Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Shizuo was showering in someone else's bathroom, maybe for the first time in his life, and it just felt odd. The shampoo, the showering gel, and the soup; it all smelled like Izaya. The whole situation was just crazy to him. If he was really doing this, he wasn't thinking straight. But, in some dreadful way, he felt excited, then repulsed by his own feelings, than horrified as the fact was – he didn't really mind fucking Izaya. And, he just didn't know what was happening to him. It all felt like some peace of dream, something taken away from the movie, book, or even some wretched TV novella.

The water was falling on his shoulders. Was he really doing this? Fuck. What if he hurts the shitty flee? How does it even work between men? Ok, he knew that one. Just shove it up the ass. Right? Fuck. Wouldn't that hurt? And how does one enjoy that? There were million questions inside his head, and the longer he thought about what was he going to do when he entered Izaya's room, the more awkward it all felt. The only thing of which he was certain was that he wouldn't want to hurt Izaya. Not like this; not when he was helping him. Then, again, why would he help him? Certainly not out of the goodness of his heart. It was the flee he was talking about. There was still that blank check thing that Izaya asked for. What would he even want, and what was worth of letting your enemy penetrate you? Shit. He was in there for at least 15 minutes now, and there was no point in dragging this thing out.

With that thought he stepped out of the shower and wrapped himself in one of white fluffy towels that were neatly arranged on the shelf. There wasn't any point in dressing him self up, so he just opened the bathroom door and went in the direction of Izaya's room.


The door was opened and if this whole situation wasn't odd enough, what he sow made the things even odder. Izaya was waiting in his bad, just like he said that he would. However, he was naked and spread along the black sheets like he was waiting to be devoured. There was something in his eyes, a sign of mischief, he was sure of that; but there was something more, something alluring, something that looked like a fire, want, but that wasn't it, it was also something absurdly innocent, something that was calling for him. Shizuo wanted to say something, to make the whole situation less awkward, less tense, but the words lost their meaning with one look of Izaya's bared legs, open like they were inviting him in. Izaya's dick was already hard, and he had one of his hands wrapped around it. The two fingers of the other were deep inside his ass.

Shizuo could feel his heart rate going up together with something else that created the budge inside the towel. He didn't need to look down to understand that he was just as much painfully hard as Izaya was. He slowly went more towards the bad, and after few steps he slowly unwrapped the towel that soon found its place on the floor, completely forgotten. Even though he tried to convince him self that this was something that he didn't want, he was well aware that it was a lie. The naked body in front him was an entity that he desired more than anything else in his life, and even if it belonged to Izaya, it didn't change a thing. It only was more desirable because of it.

The Information broker was in more or less the same situation. However, he was well aware that he wanted Shizuo from the moment that he first saw him. Even if he couldn't put the name tag on what he felt, the emotion has always been there. It was an emotion that was often painful; something that resembled the mix of unimaginable desire to posses and the need to belong. He wanted Shizuo to think only of him, to see only him, to be monster just for him. But it was never just platonic; the whole emotion was laced with something that was perverted and sexual. The need to have Shizuo inside him both in his body and in his soul wasn't new to Izaya. Nevertheless, it was only yesterday that he decided that there wasn't a point in waiting anymore. If he wanted something, he alone needed to take it, to make it his.

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