Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Shizuo Heiwajima was not very patient man, especially when he was angry. So, it was understandable why the number of beaten up low-lives increased considerably since Izaya's wish has been reviled. However, in the time that was given until their next meeting, he couldn't find any answer to the impossible situation he found himself in. Firstly, he was angry at Izaya. Secondly, he hated him as he ruined Shizuo's life multiple times for almost ten years. Thirdly, they had sex, and it was good. Next, he liked it and wanted to do it again. Finally, even though he didn't want to admit it, he loved him. Thus, he was confused at both his feelings, as well as about what to do.

So, when that Friday night came, Shizuo knocked at Izaya's door once again. After waiting for few moments and not getting any answer he decided to simply break the door. He found Izaya sitting at his couch next to the funny looking board with different game pieces on it. He came towards him when Izaya finally moved and his voice was heard.

"My, my, Shizu-chan, is it already Friday? I almost forgot that we had a meeting today." Izaya started as always, trying to get a reaction from his enemy, to annoy him, as that was the easiest way to control the monster. Anger was easy; he knew how to deal with that. But with Shizuo involved he should have known better, as the monster has always been unpredictable, thus often ruined Izaya's plans. One look at Shizuo's form and Izaya knew that today was one of those days when things won't go his way. Don't get it wrong, he knew that Shizuo will come; he knew that fucking would take place; but he was anticipating angry looking beast not calm machine-like person that was rather coldly looking at him. The stars in his eyes that he saw that day were burning again, but the light wasn't worm, as it was always case with Shizuo. This time those eyes looked as cold as if they were Izaya's.

However, what surprised the informant the most weren't the eyes that lost its warmth, but the words that Shizuo said and the tone with which he said them. "Take of you cloths."

Izaya didn't move. He was a bit paralyzed but only for a second. Soon, he tried to annoy the beast again in order to put things as they should be. For Izaya it wasn't normal to see Shizuo calm in this situation, and that needed to change. So, he tried again.

"Shizu-chan, aren't you impatient today. You can't just waltz in, break the door and order me around. If you keep that up, I am not sure if I want to do this today. Maybe you should go home and came back, lets see, in two days."

Nevertheless, Shizuo still remained calm and cold. "Stop fucking with me, and take of you clothes. You wanted to do this, not me."

Izaya was unsatisfied with the answer so he pushed again. "But Shizu-chan, I am not really feeling it today..." and that's when he was rudely interrupted with a strong and rough voice that was on the boarder of shouting.

"Take your fucking clothes unless you want me to rip them apart." Izaya opened his mouth once again, the plan of annoying the enemy was starting to work, but then, he was pushed with his face down on the couch, and he could feel strong hands destroying both his shirt, as well as the pants.

He wasn't really complaining. After all, in the last two days he only thought about how it would feel to be fucked by Shizuo once again. However, he wanted to do it by his own rules. He wanted to rile up the enemy, stop his movements, and then, to sit on his dick until he was satisfied. After that, he would throw the monster out. In his abnormal mind that was the perfect plan of making Shizuo miss him. (A bit delusional if you ask me.)

So, Shizuo taking control was not consistent with Izaya's plan. Ripping Izaya's pants was not consistent with the plan. And, taking Shizuo's huge dick from the behind was certainly NOT consistent with the plan. But, it all was a bit thrilling, and very much exciting, so Izaya tried not to protest too much. With a grin on his face he stopped his talking and simply waited to see what would the idiot do this time.

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