Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Jealousy is a funny thing. It makes us do irrational things. So, when Shizuo decided that he is going to kill Shiki-san and the entire Awakusu-kai if needed was not something unexpected. Armed with a cold-blooded anger and with a desire to destroy for taking what was his, he went in the direction of upscale office building.

He wasn't stupid. Shizuo knew whose car that was last night, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to rest until all yakuza bastards are dead. Before he knew what he was doing, he was already punching the guy at the door. Next, he was hitting and kicking a bunch of people headed in his direction. Two minutes hadn't past and he was already in front of the Shiki-san's office.

Then, he felt it; a gunshot wound in his leg. He ignored it and moved closer to the man sitting behind the desk. Another shot was fired. The bullet pierced through his shoulder.

He turned around only to be greeted with a group of people pointing guns at his face.

"Now, now, can this shooting stop already? My head is starting to hurt" this guy Shiki began to talk. However, Shizuo didn't want to stop. All consuming anger and jealousy took his rational part of the brain and flushed it down the drain. So, he rushed at the group in front him, earning another two shots. This time the target was his other leg.

"I said stop. Restrain him and take him to the 1B location." It was a secret code for the garage somewhere in Shinjuku, which Shizuo later found out. However, at that moment he was starting to lose his conscience. The beast dropped to his knees, and the last thing he saw was someone's hand punching him in the face.


He woke up bound to the chair and alone in some rusty place. All of him was hurting and he could still feel bullets inside his legs and in his shoulder. There were voices around him, perhaps in another room. He couldn't see anyone. Nevertheless, he could hear something that he identified as Shiki's voice, but there was another. When he recognized that sound, his heart skipped a beat. It was Izaya.

"As I already said, Shiki-san, I won't be taking that case. There isn't any point in asking me again. It is just against my nature. I am sure that you know how much I love all humans, and I could never kill one of them, not to mention the entire organization."

The other voice replied something, but it wasn't important to Shizuo. He wanted to hear more of Izaya. For God's sake, even if he was about to die, he was happy that at least he could hear the man that he loved one more time.

"I understand that this new yakuza group is a menace to Awakusu-kai, but I am an information broker, not an assassin. You can threat me all you want but I won't be changing my mind".

"Then, perhaps a gift for a job well-done. You can get to be the one who kills Shizuo Heiwajima" the other voice said "after all, he is tied up in the next room like a dog waiting for his death."

There was a silence; then the footsteps. Someone was coming in Shizuo's direction. Just a second later, golden eyes met the red ones.

The absence of sound was so heavy and the world lost its purpose. It was like they were the only two people in the entire planet. And Shizuo could see the mask cracking, a fear in red eyes.

"I will do it if you let Shizu-chan go."


Shizuo couldn't remember much after that. At some point he woke up again, still in the garage. However, this time he was tied up to a bed, with bandages around his shoulder, and legs. He tried to break free. Nevertheless, his strength abandoned him. He wasn't sure how many days had pasted but he felt better; sleepy but better. Soon after, he lost his conscience again.

He didn't see Izaya for at least two days, and if he wasn't drugged and restrained, he would look for him. Seeing Izaya's fear made him afraid for the said man. He didn't want him to kill anyone for his sake, and even worse, that whole job sounded dangerous. He didn't wish something to happen to Izaya. He would die without his existence in life. It didn't matter if he had someone else, or if it was all a game to the informant. Shizuo just wanted him alive and happy. Moreover, the fact that the other man felt hatred for him was also irrelevant, even if he would call him a monster his entire life. The only thing that was important to Shizuo was Izaya, and he loved him enough for the both of them.

The door opened. Someone was coming inside. For a second Shizuo didn't recognize the man that was walking in his direction. His clothes were covered in blood, face painted in red, hands entirely wrapped with the same sustenance. The man that was approaching him could not be described as anything else but the devil himself. Shiny red eyes gleamed in the darkness of the room. Wait; red eyes.


"Come on, Shizu-chan, there is no time for this." He said while slicing the rope connecting Shizuo to the bed. His knees felt weak as he tried to stand up. Gently, a hand soaked in blood moved around his waist. He cursed the Awakusu-kai, this Shiki guy, and his own existence for being so stupid that Izaya had to do this; kill in order to save him. The fact that he was drugged as an elephant wasn't much comforting to him.

The hand leaded him to through the open door into the fresh air. The same black car that he saw few days ago was parked on the street. Izaya opened the door and helped him inside. After that he joined him. The only person in there was some guy who drove the thing.

Shizuo wanted to ask so many questions. He wanted to know what was the price that Izaya had to pay for his stupidity; and why was he afraid? Why did he save him if everything was just a game? But he kept his mouth shut. After all, watching those red eyes was nice. It was more than he could ask for.

Twenty minutes later the car stopped. He knew that place. They were in front of Izaya's apartment building. Next few moments were rushed and just like that they were in a familiar room.

"What did you do?" Shizuo first broke the silence. He couldn't wait any longer. The dread inside his chest was so painful. He needed to know. Nevertheless, the answer never came.

"I need a shower" was all Izaya responded and moved in the direction of the bathroom. After taking a few steps he turned around. "Are you coming?"

And Shizuo followed, looking at the blood-drenched beck that belonged to the man that he loved. 

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