Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

He was so much ashamed that he pleaded all the Gods to just open up the Earth beneath him and to made him disappear. He was not certain why he slipped, or how he could do it in the first place. Even though he could feel his face heating up, he was now certain that he pulled his mask back on its place, where it should be.

"I said get out. We fucked, I am finished now. So, there is no need for you to stay here." Izaya said in a cold tone; his smirk up on its face, like nothing happened.

"Izaya..." Shizuo wanted to know is it true what Izaya have said. He was shocked in the first place, but it could all be a consequence of sex. Perhaps, he didn't mean it at all. Perhaps, he just loved what they did, not him.

"I said get out. Geeeet out!!!" Izaya shouted and started to push the other's body. However, Shizuo didn't move an inch; he just stood there like a statue.

"Get the fuck out." The voice was cold, not even laced with the usual playful tone, and the smirk on those lips disappeared too. He was dead serious and it didn't leave Shizuo with many options. Thus, he just turned away and went to the door. Not another word was said and with a laud bang, Izaya was alone.

He breathed heavily. Tears started to run on the both sides of his face. What was that? He should have just kept his mouth closed. What if he ruined everything and what if now Shizu-chan didn't want to have anything to do with him?

He felt something wet slipping on the inside of his thighs. Shizuo's sperm mixed with his blood was coloring his skin with pink. He smiled a bit and his voice light up now empty apartment.

"It's so like you Shizu-chan to be a monster; my monster. All you do is ruining me, and God, I love every second of it."


Shizuo was lying on his bad heavily breathing. A dream had waked him up from the sleep. It was another one of his regular nightmares, featuring flee. However, this time it was different. Instead of his usual "chase the Izaya out of Ikebukuro" dream, it was a picture of two bodies embraced together in a heat. One was Izaya's but the other wasn't Shizuo's.

What started as a nightmare quickly turned into all consuming thought that looked like, regardless of how much Shizuo didn't want to admit, a jealousy. Just thinking about Izaya with another man made him break the cup spilling his coffee all over him. It made him punch some idiot who owned money. And, it made him look on every man's face that was passing by wandering if he slept with Izaya. The whole situation was ridiculous.

Izaya didn't call, didn't come to Ikebukuro for about a week, and Shizuo had a terrifying feeling that he won't be seeing him any time soon. That fact just increased his paranoia and made him think that Izaya had some other lover to worm his sheets. After all, Shizuo was certain that he wasn't his first. Flee was too much confident to that be the case.

After another day of thinking about stupid things and feeling angry for no legitimate reason he found himself at home. With TV and cigarettes as his only company he tried not to think too much about things that were out of his control. He was only a game to Izaya and that would never change.

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