Chapter 2 - f l u s t e r e d

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Harry, Hermione, Ron and the others walked into the great hall and was greeted by many fellow students. Harry had never thought of being this happy after the war ended but he was really happy now that things were back to normal.

As they all sat in their benches, Professor McGonagall, who is now the current Headmistress of Hogwarts, waited patiently until all the students were seated. As soon as everyone was seated, she began the ceremony.

After the ceremony ended, the prefects of each house were about to lead the students to their dormitories. "Hold on! I have a last announcement to make!" said Professor McGonagall as she cleared her throat. "All of the 6th, 7th and 8th year students are entitled to have their own dorms. That is all I have to say. You may all go back to your dorms and rest." said Professor McGonagall.

Many of the students including the golden trio were delighted and joyful after hearing the announcement, except for the frowning lower years.

Everyone went back to their common rooms and dormitories. Hermione, whom was excited to see her room, said her quick goodbyes to Harry and Ron as she rushed back to her dorm.

As she entered her room, she looked around amazed at the beauty of her room. Her room looked like it was specially designed for her only. She saw a tall bookshelf, a cool hairdresser, a big king-sized bed and a big closet.

She then noticed a note left on her hairdresser. She went over and picked up the note as she read it.

Dear Hermione Granger,

Since you were a brilliant student and you were excellent in your exams, I have decided to reward you with a beautifully designed room.

Everything in this room is able to change color to suit your liking.

Use the charm 'Colovaria' followed by which color you want.

The closet also refreshes its clothes to suit your liking.

Harry Potter insisted to help me to design your room.

I hope you like your room.

With love,

Professor McGonagall

As Hermione finished reading the note, she smiled not only because Professor McGonagall rewarded her a room but because Harry helped to design her room.

She just could not wait until she can hug Harry so tightly and thank him a million times. Hermione was just too happy that the year is starting off pretty well but of course anything can happen. She just wanted to spend her time with Harry and go on many exciting adventures.

She would always think of her ex-boyfriend Ron and the thought of how he treated her like garbage. She always knew that he didn't love her for real. She also knew that deep down inside him, he always thought of Lavender Brown. Hermione didn't care if Ron neglected her because she knew that Harry was there to love her as a friend, as a brother and so much more. But she knew she had to take things slow since Harry recently broke up with his girlfriend, Ginny Weasley.

After her deep thinking, she snapped out of it and wondered why she was feeling something towards Harry. After the incident when Harry caught her from falling and was literally wrapped up in his arms, she just couldn't stop thinking of Harry! She felt as if she just got electrocuted.

And once again she snapped out of her thinking. She jumped on the bed and immediately dozed of due to tiredness.

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