Chapter 5 - f l u s t e r e d (End)

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A few weeks passed as Harry and Hermione's relationship kept building and building. She often avoided eye contact with Ron and hung out with Harry often. They would often be in the library studying since their O.W.L's was around the corner. Hermione really wanted to succeed in her O.W.L's and was really dedicated and committed in her work and studies and so did Harry.

Harry, on the other side, was always having weird negative visions of either the Dark Lord Voldemort or his pet snake Nagini coming to kill him. Hermione would always listen and try to help Harry get his mind off those issues. She always had a solution.

"Hermione... lets get out of the library for a bit... My head is hurting reading all these potions notes." Harry said to Hermione as he massaged his temples. Hermione glanced over at him and back to her notes probably having second thoughts on whether to take a break or study just a bit more but she needed a break anyway. All this studying has made her brain go kaboom. She then nodded at Harry and started packing her stuff and so did Harry.

They both walked out the library hand-in-hand.

"Where shall we have our little break? Hermione said as she smirked at Harry. "Well, probably away from society I guess. I've had it with people nowadays... I need some alone time with you. How about some butterbeer at Hogsmeade then to the black lake?" He asked while grinning at her. "Sure." she answered as they both took off for Hogsmeade.

"Merlin's beard! This butterbeer taste so good! I haven't had it in ages." She shouted with joy after taking a sip off her butterbeer. Harry nodded in agreement and laughed when he saw the mini foam mustache below her nose. "What?" Hermione asked in confusion. Harry then grabbed Hermione by her waist and kissed her. She was confused buy his sudden actions but she still kissed back. After they pulled away, Harry had a foam mustache too. Hermione laughed at Harry but stopped when she realized that she had the foam on her face first. They both laughed as they walked out of The Three Broomsticks.

They shopped for sometime and eventually headed over to the Black Lake to take a break. Before Hermione could sit on the bench, Harry had pulled her towards him by the waist and kissed her. She kissed back for what seemed a while.

As time passed, they talked and talked and it soon became night. Harry and Hermione walked back to the castle.

They entered the Gryffindor Common Room in the West Tower. "It was a wonderful day, Harry. I've never felt so happy and free before since the start of the year." said Hermione as she smiled at Harry. Harry walked over to Hermione and pulled her in for a hug. They then parted ways and there goes another day well spent.

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