Chapter 3 - f l u s t e r e d

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The next day

Hermione was woken up by a knock on the door. She knew it was Ginny since she would always wake Hermione up so she replied to Ginny's knock saying, "Yeah, I'm up! Thanks Ginny!". She immediately looked at the clock on the wall and back to her schedule on the table. Her first class was Potions. She couldn't help but think of Professor Snape and his absent presence. She always thought of him as cruel, heartless, mean and strict but to be honest she took back those thoughts.

She got up, took a shower, changed into her uniform and combed her silky hair. She tied it into a messy ponytail but, really, any hairstyle on Hermione looks good. She grabbed everything she needed for class and headed out of her room. She was immediately greeted by her friends and other fellow Gryffindors. She greeted back as usual as she walked out of her common room afterwards.

She figured Harry would be in the great hall since she didn't see him in the common room so she stopped by the great hall to look around. She spotted someone familiar as she made her way fast enough and hugged that person from behind. It was Harry! He was startled for a moment but he then turned around and immediately recognized the hair colour of Hermione.

"Thank you so much Harry! My room was marvelous and wonderful! I could stay there all day and not get tired of the walls and furniture!" Hermione exclaimed with pure happiness and gratefulness on her face.
Harry then had a face of relief as he said "Phew, I thought you wouldn't have liked the room design well you did so I'm glad." Hermione then smacked Harry's shoulder playfully and said "Nonsense, Harry! Of course I would like the room design. You always seize to fulfill my likings!".

From the corner of Hermione's eye, she noticed Ron staring at her and then at Harry with pure jealousy and anger. He wanted Hermione and he would do anything to get her back.

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