Chapter 4 - f l u s t e r e d

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Time passed by very quickly. Hermione had been hanging out alot with Harry. He was the only close friend she had ever had. She could share anything with him and they make a great teamwork together. Hermione had tried so hard to ignore Ron's stares and try to concentrate on the lessons and she always succeeds as always but not this time.

After her last class ended, it had been nighttime. She wanted to go to the library so she told Harry to head on back to the common room first. As they wave their goodbyes, Hermione walked off the other way and walked up the stairs towards the library not until she felt a hand on her waist. She was spinned around and pinned to a wall as she looked up she saw Ronald Weasley.

"What are you doing Ron?!" she shouted at him as she pushed him away from her. "I want you back Hermione. You are the one for me. My angel and guide. I've left Lavender! We've broken up now please come back with me!" Ron said. As soon as she heard those words coming out from his mouth, she slapped him hard across the face. He was shook. "Do you think just saying you left that bitch is enough?! After what you have done, this is all you say to me?! You don't even have a proper apology but it's not like I would go back to you after all the hurt you caused me! I don't belong to anyone Ron and we've already broken up! So just leave me alone." She retorted as she pushed passed him and ran through the corridors. She could hear his footsteps so she turned around to look. "W-wait!" he shouted but as soon as he was about to speak another word, Hermione cast the spell 'Silencio' on him.

Her vision became blurry as her eyes were filled with hot tears. She was sobbing and she could feel the hurt in her chest. She had no idea where she was going and she had no mood to study at the library which was her original goal. She stopped running and saw some staircases as she made her way to them to sit down.

Her sobbing could be heard through the hallways. She had realised that she violated curfew rules but she had no choice but to release her pain and emotions. Suddenly, she heard someone call her name. She looked behind as it was where the source was coming from. She saw Harry. He stood there with a confused, sad and curious face. "Harry...... What are you doing here..? Its curfew.." she asked. "I could ask the same thing Mione. What happened?.." Harry asked.

"Its Ron..." she said weakly as she started sobbing again.
Harry quickly went down the stairs and sat right next to her. He put his arms around her shoulder and pushed her closely towards him. Hermione put her head on his shoulder and sobbed quietly.

Harry understood her situation and cared for her the most. He would never ever leave her hanging. As soon as her sobbing stopped, he took out a handkerchief and wiped her tears away.

"Thank you Harry... For being with me all the time. I love you..... alot." she said sincerely as she looked up and into his eyes. After Harry heard those sincere words, he looked at her and leaned in slowly, eyes fixed on her lips. He didn't wanna make her feel uncomfortable so he leaned in as slowly as he can.

She knew what he was about to do.

She, too, leaned in and they both kissed.

Their kiss was about 20 seconds until they heard footsteps of someone. It was probably a prefect patrolling. They quickly broke away as Harry grabbed Hermione's hand and fled up the stairs as quietly as possible.

They both entered the common room after saying "Fortuna Major" to the portrait of the Fat Lady.

Before they both parted ways to enter their dormitories, they looked at each other and laughed.

"Goodnight, Harry." Hermione said as she quickly walked up the stairs into her dormitory. "Goodnight, Hermione" Harry said under his breath as he too walked off to his dorm.

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