Chapter 3 - g u i l t y c o n s c i e n c e

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"You know, Harry... I don't ever feel like leaving this position now that I'm genuinely relaxed." chuckled Hermione as glanced over at Harry.

Harry nodded in agreement. He didn't really know what to say in return not that he was extremely awkward or what but the feeling that lingered throughout the years as they got closer was giving him constant anxiety. He honestly wanted to confess his feelings to Hermione but he was anxious of her answer. What if she rejects him? These questions disturbed Harry's mind and soul in particular.

He also hated himself for not looking at Hermione as a potential soulmate from day one. His mission to defeat Voldemort and his evil forces were more important at that time to the point where his social life was basically in dip shit. He was enraged at the countless times when Ron would kiss her and all he could do was witness it with a silent broken heart. He even wondered if Hermione felt the same towards Ron. "If only it was me in Ron's position."  was all Harry could say. 

He decided it would be best to bottle up those feelings and get along with someone else. He even spoke with Seamus, Dean and Neville about it and all three of them suggested to just go for it. Because of that, he decided that the right time is now.


Harry snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at Hermione whom was engrossed in a certain book. He then got up and sat beside Hermione with their backs slumped backwards against the tree. Hermione had lifted her eyes and observed Harry's movements.

"I was wondering when you would snap out of your little world and come over." said Hermione as she grinned playfully at Harry. 

"Didn't know Mione was a stalker." chuckled Harry as he nudged Hermione. She rolled her eyes in return and secretly smirked to herself.

Suddenly, Harry took Hermione's hand and held it gently. She looked over at him while wondering what was actually going on. She knew Harry was feeling weird. He didn't look normal, in fact, he looked more nervous?

Little did she know, he was about to confess to her. 

"Uh..Mione...about earlier when I was in my little world... I was actually thinking about you. You see Hermione.... I like you.....maybe even love you.... and it hurts seeing you with him and I mean Ron. I'm not trying to interfere with you and Ron but.... I hope you consider my feelings. I'll take care of you and we'll go through everything together. But, if you don't feel the same... it's totally okay Mione. Really." said Harry as he looked into Hermione's eyes while fiddling with her soft fingers in hopes to get rid of his anxiety.

Hermione was taken aback after hearing those words from Harry. Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief. 

To be continued

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