Chapter 2 - g u i l t y c o n s c i e n c e

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Her eyes opened as she looked around and felt her back. Her body was aching but thankfully her spinal cord was broken no more. Harry yelped in joy as he saw Hermione getting up from her distressed position. Harry reached out to Hermione to pull her up.

"Thank goodness, Hermione! You cannot believe how worried I was!" said Harry as he hugged Hermione with relief. 

"Thank you, Harry. Well, I'll be sure to watch my back next time aye?" giggled Hermione as she presented her out-of-the-blue pun. 

"Yeah, you best should." said Harry in return.

"There, there... I'm the one that's supposed to be in your place right, Harry? So, if you don't mind could you step back for a moment or two and let me spend some time checking up on my girl." said Ron hypocritically as he low-key shoved Harry to side and held Hermione like she was his little rat, Scabbers. 

In return, Harry shoved him to side while Hermione stood there in confusion as to why she was "his girl" when he was clearly being a narcissistic douche bag. 

"I am done with your nonsense, Ron! Hermione does not belong to anyone so quit claiming she's "your girl". That's much more disgusting than Voldemort's non-existent nose! Now, why don't you go off finding for a potential camping area or apparate to god know's where rather than wasting our precious time fighting." spat Harry directly at Ron.

Ron was speechless. He lost his willpower to argue. Harry was a nonchalant guy but on that very day Ron had learned his lesson to never pick up a fight with The Chosen One.


Ron's POV

"Blah, blah, blah... done with my nonsense...pssh" said a semi-angry Ron as he walked through the woods while kicking some stones like a mad immature kid. 

Ron walked and walked and eventually found a suitable camp site. He set up the tent and gathered the goods with the help of a little magic. 

"Now, all that's left to do is wait for them." said Ron as he rolled his eyes and plopped into a chair like a lazy old man that he is.


To be continued

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