Chapter 4 - g u i l t y c o n s c i e n c e (End)

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"Oh, shut up Harry! I love you too!" shouted Hermione as she plopped into his arms. She then closed the space in between them with a short passionate kiss.

Harry was in shock but eventually returned the kiss. 

Hermione pulled away with a visible blush spread across her face as she smiled softly at Harry.

"I-I think we should get going. Ron might have already set up a camp site... and it's getting late too.." said Harry as he got up and dusted off his clothes.

"No.. wait, Harry. I think we should leave all of this. Leave him I mean.. I know I sound cruel and whatnot but please... I don't think we need Ron in all of this. Sure, he was a great friend and all but I think its time we head on our own way." uttered Hermione.

"Yeah, right... I strongly agree on that. I think we should inform him of our departure first." said Harry as he muttered a spell and a magical parchment and quill appeared out of thin air. He then wrote on it and explained the whole situation. After he had finished writing,he rolled the parchment into a scroll and handed it over to Hermione as she then conjured Avis (Bird-Conjuring Charm) to send the scroll off. The birds had recognized the recipient (Ron) since they had attacked him during the sixth year.

They both held hands as they watched the bird send the letter off to Ron as they bot disapparated simultaneously to their next destination.

T H E     E N D 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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