Chapter 1 - g u i l t y c o n s c i e n c e

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"This way!" shouted Ron as the golden trio ran deeper into the forest.

Sounds of zapping could be heard from every direction. It was clear that there were more than one snatcher after them. They had no time to stop in their tracks and face god knows how many snatchers were behind them. Sure, Harry was the boy who lived but that doesn't mean he could snap them into oblivion. He was still human after all.

They ran aimlessly where the forest took them trying to avoid the spells that were cast unto them. Until, they reached a dead end.

Harry eyed both of them as a signal to attack.

All three of them turned and casts their own spells at the snatchers.

They had managed to knock out three out of five snatchers.

Hermione, Harry and Ron took the opportunity to flee from the remaining two snatchers. Ron was in the lead followed by Harry and Hermione catching up to him.

Unfortunately, Hermione had been hit with stupefy which sent her flying towards a nearby tree and injuring herself in the process. She cried out in pain as though her spinal cord had been crushed against the hard wooden tree.

Harry had witnessed the scene before him. He faced the two snatchers and annihilated both of them in an instant. After that, he ran towards Hermione whom was laying on the ground unable to move.

Ron, whom was standing like a statue, decided to finally move his muscles and race towards Hermione.

"Blimey, Harry. Let me take care of Hermione since she's my responsibility. You obviously did your part in being responsible for the state that she is in didn't you?" spat Ron sarcastically as he swatted Harry's hand away from Hermione.

"Oh, yeah? Says the one who was standing like a statue" yelled Harry furiously towards Ron.

Ron stood there in silence obviously feeling guilty.

"Hermione! I am really sorry... I will fix this I promise you." yelled Harry in agony as he pulled out his wand.

"I owe you one for this, Luna." said Harry under his breath as he muffled the healing spell Episkey while pointing his wand towards Hermione.


To be continued

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