Dream Arc | 1.1

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Dream Arc - Chapter One
The Girl who Dreamed


Mizushina Yume

School is just a time killer for me.

I go here everyday

listen to the teacher

scribble on my notebook

eat lunch

listen again, scribble again

and then I go home.

And the cycle repeats itself


and again

and again

and again

and again

and again.

Indeed, a boring life.

But if I have to be honest,
my life is way more scary than ordinary.

Every night, after I close my eyes to sleep,

I would always dream about different things,
that come true by the very next day.

I'd see someone die

or someone getting a praise or compliment

or someone confessing to their crush

or someone getting a good grade

I even see myself in those dreams sometimes.

It began way before I could remember.

At that point, nobody wanted to befriend me.

They think I'm being weird,
they think I'm just looking for attention.

Thus, I decided not to get involve with anyone.

I mean, why would I
after all they've done to me?

I'd say it's natural,
others might say I'm just being a bit too mean.

Honestly, there's not much to my past life aside from what I've said before.

I don't even know who my parents are.

Maybe I'm just an accident.
Maybe I'm just a child who got thrown away by her own mother.

Who knows?

There's that, but I guess there's someone I can call my mother.

Honestly, she's not really my mother, she just took me in when I was a child.

That person was like me, we were both abnormal.

She, on the other hand, was way more weirder than I was. Having to encounter things that aren't part of this world made her look mysterious and intimidating to others, therefore she didn't had much friends.

Plus, she's a witch.

And her name is Izanami.

Named after the goddess of creation and death, Izanami was the woman who raised me like a real daughter, and I've always been there to see her do rituals and communicate with certain entities.

Izanami never told me to perform and do anything she did, although I tried to perform a ritual to communicate with a spirit, in which she found out and scolded me.

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