Chapter 37: All My Love is for You

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Chapter 37:

The Couple went home to Kwon House from Jung Home, they went straight to Jessica's home and showed themselves to the two families and joined them for a little celebration. Daddy Jung allowed them to stay together in Yuri's home until His last day of stay in LA.

Jessica was sitting down on Yuri's bed they just finished showering and now waiting for Yuri to come back from the living room, Yuri went back while pushing the huge box inside the room.

"Baby what's that?" She asked.

The tanned man sighed and sat next to her. "My gifts for you." He smiled and opened the box. "Tada!" He said.

Jessica covered her mouth in surprise. She then take a look at the dresses, bags and shoes then put them on the bed. "Omo! These are pretty!!" She exclaimed then turned to her boyfriend.

"You think so?" He asked.

Jessica nodded her head. "You never fail to give me nice presents!!" The blonde girl hugged her boyfriend.

"I'm glad you like it." He scratched his head in shyness.

"I don't know why you bought me a lot but thank you! I'm gonna use this when I go to work." She smiled.

"I also bought you chocolates and other food. I think you miss Korean food, so yeah."

"Thank You so much!" She pushed him on the bed then hovered over him. "Can you please move everything aside and let's just talk?" She asked.

Yuri sat up with her and stood up, he put the presents back in the box and pushed it aside.

He then stood up at the edge of the bed and stare at his girlfriend. Jessica motioned him to lay next to her.

"Come here, I wanna cuddle." She smiled.

Yuri laid next to her, he scooped his girlfriend closer to him and peck her cheek.

"I missed you so much." Jessica whispered.

The tanned man peck her forehead and hugged her. "I think you should sleep now. You still have work tomorrow." He said caressing her arm.

Jessica chuckled. "Don't worry I got my leave while you're here." She said then bite his chest playfully.

"That's so sweet. We should go to the balcony then." He said and broke the hug.

He stood up and stretch his hands for her, Jessica went to the balcony as Yuri walked to the kitchen to get some snacks.

The blonde girl was sitting on the wooden chair and hugging her legs, she was thinking of how she will make Yuri stop being jealous of Kris.

"Hot chocolate for my gorgeous girlfriend." Yuri smiled and put the cup on the glass table then sit on her side.

Jessica take the cup and sipped a little. "You're so good in anything. This is really good." She smiled.

Yuri wiped the side of her lips then licked his thumb. "What do you wanna do tomorrow?" He asked.

"I don't know.. what do you have in mind?" She asked back.

Yuri sighed and look up. "A lot of things has change and I don't know what places should we go to." He said then look at her. "Where do you go whenever you have free time?"

"Well.. Kris always bring me to different places bu.." She stopped as she heard him sigh. She close her eyes as she want to punish herself for bringing up Kris' name.

"He likes you Sica." He said without looking at her.

"Yul.. how many times do I have to tell you, Kris and I are just friends. He will never like me."

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