Chapter 64: Lonely Love

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Chapter 64:

"Jessi, where are you going?" Tiffany's voice boom around the living room. The Brunette is carrying her baby and saw her best friend all dressed up and was about to go out.

Jessica turned around and look at her with her usual gloomy face after Yuri left more than a month ago.

"Where are you going Jess?" She asked again.

"Just somewhere." The Blonde Girl answered.

Tiffany stared at her, She always go out but she never told them where she's going. "Can I come? I mean Hyo and I." She asked.

Jessica shake her head, "it's far Tiff, Hyo will get tired." She said then walked closer to them. "I have to go now, I'll be home before Dinner." She smiled then gave her best friend and the baby pecks on their cheeks.

Tiffany followed the blonde and saw her going in the driver's side. "Jess, where is your driver?" She asked, Yuri told them to never let Jessica drive alone since he's worried that something might happen to her while she's on the road that may cause an accident.

"I'll drive." She said then hop inside the car. Tiffany got surprised then run in front of the vehicle blocking her best friend's way. "What the.. Tiffany move!"

"No, Tell me where you're going first." The Brunette said while holding her Son.

"I'll buy fruits." She said.

Tiffany shake her head, Jessica will never trick her. "You just bought fruits yesterday."

Jessica rolled her eyes, Tiffany wouldn't let her go. "I'll go to the beach okay? I want to walk around." She said.

"I wanna come with you! It's good for baby Hyo too." The American Brunette run to the driver's seat and opened the door, passing Baby Hyo to her best friend to make sure she won't slip. "I'll just take his bags." She immediately run inside the house.

Jessica shake her head at her best friend then look at baby Hyo. "Are you happy?" She asked and kiss his cheek. "Our Sweet Pea is growing really fast Little Prince, He's growing without his father." She said sadly then blink her eyes to refrain herself from bursting into tears again.

Tiffany then went back putting her Son at the backseat. "I'll drive Jess." She said with a smile.

The Blonde sighed, Tiffany will do whatever she wants so she just nodded her head and hop off the car then went on the other side.

Tiffany drive the car, she was humming while her best friend was just staring outside. "Do you come to the beac often?" She asked to start a conversation.

"Yeah." She shortly replied, she would go to the beach to think of Yuri and their moments in the island.

"You mean, you spend the rest of the day there?" The Brunette asked surprisingly.

"Yeah." She said nodding.

Tiffany shake her head, Jessica is extra quiet since Yuri left. They would see her going out with swollen eyes after talking to Yuri and couldn't do anything but to entertain her with the help of little Hyo.

"Um. Jess, when will be your next check up?" She asked again.

"Next week."

"I'll go with you." She said then glance at her.

"Okay." She said while caressing her small baby bump.

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