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"Aye Bruh, Drew wanna see you" one of his workers said.

"where he at?


I made my way down to the basement and was instantly hit with a smell of blood. I opened the door and seen Kyla and Sierra hanging up from chains and ropes and blood seeping from their body.I just knew Drew planned on killing him. He always did that to his victims.

"Aye, I'ma need you to watch them." Drew said putting out his blunt on Sierra arm. I watched as she screamed and cried helplessly.

I nodded and watched him as he left the room. I walked over the sink and grabbed peroxide and neospron. I grabbed her arm and she jumped.

"chill ma, I'm here to help" I said applying the peroxide onto her wound.

"Who are you" Kyla asked.

"shh,, I work for Brandon, but I'm here to help y'all get out."

"So we not gone die." she asked.

"No , you not gone die. I got y'all just play along shawty ight" I said

".Okay, he said he killing us tomorrow at 3" she said. Shit, I need to hurry the fuck up.

"Aight ma, Yall gone be straight trust me " She looked at me uneasy but then nodded her head. I finished applying neospron onto Sierra wound and went to loosen the chains on their wrist. They looked at me shocked and I smiled while pulling my phone out to text KJ.

Tell Brandon the girls are at Drew Trap in the basement. And to come NOW! ASAP! He plan on killing them tommorow around three

Brandon" POV

I was cleaning my pistols waiting on Kj to text me when it was Safe to make the right move. Yeah I was anxious to get my girls back but I couldn't just rush in there all of us would be dead. . My phone began buzzing and I immediately answered it thinking it was Kj but it was Carlin.

"Yo" I answeed.

"You heard anything from anybody yet "i asked

"No, I'm waiting on Kj to call me now"

"He need to hurry up "

" he do. Every time I lay down I see him killing my sister and Sierra"

"That shit keep playing over and over in my head too,"


I looked at my phone and noticed KJ was beeping in.

"hold up bruh" I said then clicked over


"meet me at the hotel in the Yukon! JT said he need you to hurry up. he plan on killing the girls tommorow at 3! Bring them some clothes"

"Aight bet." I said and hung up. I sent out an mass text to everybody saying meet me at the hotel KJ was at. I grabbed Sierra some clothes and packed her a bag as if she was going somewhere. I grabbed the keys off of the table to the Yukon and drove in the direction of the hotel.

When I pulled up everybody was outside their car waiting. I unlocked the doors and watched my workers disappear into the three black trucks we had. Kj looked at me and I nodded. He pulled off first , then I did then G did.

Normally it would take me 11hours to get to Atlanta but today it only took me 9. I was speeding down the highway tryna save Ky and Sierra life.

We then arrived at the dirty looking house 30 minutes on the other side of town

I got out and began loading my guns.

"You ready!"KJ asked as he slipped his bullet proof his vest on.

"Yeah" I said grabbing the silencer. Kyla and Sierra has been missing for 3 days now. JT called and said it took him a minute due to Drew ol' suspicious ass but he found the girls and where they at. Right now, We are outside of the place waiting to barge in.

"Let's go" I said knocking on the door. Somebody slid open and eye piece and I sent a shot right between their eyes. I shot the lock off the door and Walked in aiming my pistol. Carlin, and Tez were watching my back and Pont was beside me. The funny thing is that there was only one security guard standing there.

"Aye , I'm Finna distract his ass y'all go find the girls" Kj said. I nodded as me , Carlin, Pont and Tez walked towards the basements. All you could smell down their was blood and We didn't even open the door yet.

I twisted the nob and pulled back my door. Tears of anger and sympathy fell from my eyes as I starred at what was in front of me.

I walked forward and lifted Sierra head. She groaned but didn't look up.

"Baby, Relax I'm here" I said lifting her head up so she could see my face. When she came in Contact with me tears fell from her face.

"OMG baby you saved us" she cried.

"Yeah shh be quiet." I said as I shot the chains down from her. I was Finna go do the same but Carlin already had Kyla down wrapped up in his Tshirt. I took my Shirt off and slipped it on Sierra. She had wounds all over her body. I couldn't believe this shut actually happened to her.

"Let's go" I said grabbing her. Tez and Carlin was behind Sierra and Kyla while me and Pont was in the front . We walked down the hall and then heard gun shots. Sierra and Kyla ducked as we began firing shots in all directions. I didn't give two fucks who I shot . These Muthafuckas was gone get theres. The gun shots seized and I seen I had shot Drew. My plan wasn't going how it was suppose to.

"Take them to the car and bring Lisa" I said to Carlin and Tez. I walked over to Drew and his eyes began rolling back. I slapped his face hard.

"Aye bruh, You not gone die yet." I said slapping his face so he could stay with me. His eyes would roll and I would slap his face even harder.

"Ouch..." He groaned.

"Don't go just yet"

"Why would you help me after I just tried to kill yo girl friend." He whispered. I didn't even respond . I waited until I heard Lisa heals clicking against the floor.

"Save him" I said pointing to drew. She had a surprised look on her face and then she did what I was told

30 minutes later  Drew was bullet free and his wound was stitched up. I smiled and tied his arms and legs up. Pont helped me lift him into the truck and I tied him down to the back.

"Get some rest." I said  an closed the trunk. Little did he know I had something in store for his ass.


More DRAMA next chapter.

DID you expect Brandon to act like that!




(Sequel to Through It all) Still StandingWhere stories live. Discover now