1 - second encounter

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Mingyu's POV

I was walking slowly on my way to school due to being very tired. Thinking about ways to get through the day with only an amount of approximately 3 hours of sleep. Last night I worked the night shift which was from 8pm – 11:30pm. It was usually fine, but I had tons of homework due to the following days to finish, which resulted in me only getting a couple hours of sleep.

Thinking about the events of last night I almost walked into a pole which was conveniently placed on my path. How annoying... more like how stupid of me to get lost in my thoughts and almost embarrass myself in front of the people who wasn't there at all.

The small street was practically completely empty. I actually liked it like this. It was nice and quiet, so I was able to relax or think on my way to wherever I was going. Which, in this case, was school. Oh god, can't I just go back home and sleep? No? Ugh fine. I want to see my friends anyway, so off to school I go.

I walked through the gates with heavy legs. I really should just had stayed at home I thought as I made my way towards the building. I almost had to drag myself up the stairs to my classroom. Not paying attention to my surroundings (again), I bumped into someone. Quickly, I apologized while turning around, but when I turned around, all I saw was the back of a tall person with dark brown hair. Okay then, if you don't want your apology, just walk away. It's totally okay. Doesn't make me feel bad at all. I spoke to myself sarcastically.

I threw my bag on my table and looked out the window while waiting for my math teacher to come. Once again, thoughts of last night filled my head.

-fast forward to lunch break-

I walked towards the usual table, and sat in front of my friend Junhui or Jun or Jerry, as I like to call him. Simply because I find it completely hilarious for some reason.

He was a year older than me, but we were in the same club so that's how we bonded. We were actually quite close even though that was pretty rare. At our school, people from different grades didn't speak with or even spared each other a glance. That was just an 'our club thing' as Junhui usually said. He was originally from China, but came to Korea to study and pursue his dreams, I guess? A quite nice kid. Very funny, very hardworking, very handsome, and last but not least, very gay.

"Hey Gyu, did you see the new transfer student?"

"I didn't. Who is he anyways? Everyone in my class is talking about him."

"I don't know. What I do know though, is that he is incredibly handsome and in my grade. We have history class together and I swear, I almost died! Like his jawline is SO SHARP and his eyes are just... uGH! You'll have to see for yourself, he is honestly-"

"Shut your gay ass the hell up Jerry"

"Whose ass are you calling gay huh Mr. "I love guys"?"

"Oh my god for just how long do I have to keep reminding you that was a mistake?"


"Can you chill?! You're making my ears fall- Oh wow..."

I said as I turned around to look in the same direction as Junhui, but cut myself off when my eyes landed on a certain male.

And there he was. The exact same guy whom I had been dreaming about all evening since he left, all night and all morning until school filled my thoughts. He looked just as stunning as yesterday. Once again, my thoughts were filled with him. Or at least his appearance and the idea of him. Instantly, my smile grew wide. It took me a minute to actually process the fact that he was right there, walking right towards us. It took me even longer to realize that he was actually looking... right at me? Wait, but why?

Without a word, he sat down next to me and swung his backpack onto the table. He then started looking through it before he pulled 1200₩ out, and placed them on the table right in front of me.

At first, I was genuinely confused, but then it hit me. Shit, I completely forgot.

"I told you I would pay you back, right?" Once again, just as the former night, I was stunned by the depth of his voice. Holy crap spaghetti peperoni it's so deep and sexy... wAIT NO!

"Uh- uh yea, I guess you did... Y-you didn't have to th-though." I stuttered, still a bit surprised.

"I know, but I did. I'll be off then, see you later I guess." He said the last part more as a question than a statement. Despite the missing enthusiasm in his voice, I couldn't help but to have it making me feel a bit hopeful. Did he want to see me again?

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