chapter 1

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"You are an insensitive prick Min Yoongi! Is there even a heart in that hollow chest of yours or do you live off the pain you cause others?! How could you do this to me? I thought you loved me!" She continues to scream at me as if it was my fault, that I felt this way. It really isn't if it was a choice I would love her. I would love her instead of him. I had tried telling her, tried explaining that I couldn't help it. Who wouldn't fall in love with, but who wouldn't love him. I mean he's perfect.  He's human sunshine.

The screaming continues for a while longer by this point we are both in tears. I can't help but feel like a monster for hurting her. I used to love her, I know I did. I just can't remember when. It must have been before I met Jimin and Jungkook. It must have been before he stole my heart.

"Please for the love of god leave. Please leave me, because I will never forgive you. Just get OUT of my house." her voice broke through my thought. I leave the old brick house hating myself for not feeling guilty, hating myself for not loving her. Even though I tried so hard.

I return to the dorms tired and ready to sleep. Maybe for a year or two.

"Yoongi hyung, why are you back early I thought you had a date with Mina, did something happens?" Jimin's sweet voice feels my ears it's laced lightly with concern and heavily with happiness. He had never really liked Mina, I never knew why.

"We broke up, I don't think you'll be seeing her again," I can barely say the words I feel like an asshole for hurting her. I turn to look at Jimin to see him smiling widely.

"It'll be okay hyung, I'm sure there are so many people who would be better for you," He's trying to be sympathetic but his large grin makes it hard to believe he feels any sympathy.

"Yeah I know, I'm fine," I say before slipping into my bedroom and falling into the warmth of my first love, my bed.  Wishing I was brave enough to tell him how I feel. But that's a little too much. I know he would never feel the same. So instead I settle into my bed looking across the room where he lays already asleep in his bed just across from mine. Maybe it was always supposed to be that way.

I love you Jung Hoseok. Even if you don't love me back.

Do You Love Me?| Yoonminseok: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now