Chapter Eleven

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This Gets Harder

Ray’s POV

RING, RING, RI- “Yep?” I answered into my phone. I saw that it was Max calling and almost instantly knew what it would be about. I didn’t want to say anything and make her more upset but I could tell what was going on. She’d gotten close to Bob and now he was pushing away. I hated to see my best friend hurt and it being on account of Bob just made it worse. I know he wasn’t trying to, but he was still toying with her. She’d seemed a little distant lately and it was obvious that this was the reason, to me anyway.

Max wasn’t normally the kind of person who liked talking about her feelings so when she called it was a bit of a relief. It wasn’t good for her to be bottling everything up inside. “Ray, I need someone to talk to.” That’s all she needed to say. I could hear her voice cracking and the sniffles from her on the other end. It wasn’t often that Max cried and she seemed to be doing it more lately. She was really broken up over this and I hated to watch her break down.

“I’ll be right over,” I said into the phone before snapping it shut and running out of my room.

I got to Max’s house and went right up to her room. There she sat on her bed, eyes red and tears staining her cheeks. She wasn’t crying anymore but you could tell she had been for a while. I hated that she’d waited so long to ask for advice, but I was still glad that she called.

All it took was one look, like in the mornings when I needed help with my tie, for me to know she needed me now more than ever. I walked over to her bed and sat down next to her. I put my arms around her shoulders and she buried her face in my chest. I just sat with her and let her cry it out until she was ready to talk. I sat with her and when she pulled away it all came out. She finally cried, hugged her best friend and told me everything she’d been keeping inside.

“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong,” she stuttered out quietly in between sniffles. “I don’t know why he keeps pulling me in just to push me away.”

She wasn’t doing anything wrong, and I hated the fact that she was thinking this of herself. Sometimes she just didn’t realize how great she was and that made me sad. I didn’t like that she doubted herself; she was the most incredible, smart and wonderful girl any guy could ask for, and I’m not just saying that because she’s my best friend.

“Ray, Bob knows. He noticed the scars after what Jack said. He kept saying that it didn’t bother him, but it does, I just know it. And I don’t blame him, why would he want to be with a mental case like me?” I hated hearing this coming from her.

“Don’t say that.” I started.

“Don’t think that it’s because of you. It’s Bob, he’s got something he needs to deal with before he can think straight and realize what he’s doing.” I tried to console her.

“What?” I didn’t know the answer to this question. All I knew was that there was something keeping Bob from committing to Max. There was something preventing him from being able to dedicate himself to her.

“He just needs time to recognize what he’s doing. He probably doesn’t even know. And he might not know until someone tells him.” I tried my best to look Max in the eyes as I said this indicating that this was her job.

She looked a little scared and shook her head, “No, I can’t. I wouldn’t know what to say. Ray, can you do it?” I could see the hurt in her eyes and the fear from having to deal with this on her own. Max never dated much so she never really dealt with guys out of the friend-zone.

“Alright, I can talk to him.” I gave in and instantly saw her smile brighten a little.

“I can try to see what’s going on, maybe it’s something else. But it’s definitely not you, everything will be fine.” I gave my friend one final hug and went to find Bob. Before I left I turned back to her and asked, “You still coming tonight?” noting at our Friday night movie tradition. She smiled and nodded.

“Good, because it wouldn’t have been the same without you. Keep your chin up kid. Everything will be fine.” I left Max and went down to Bob’s house. I wasn’t sure how to have this conversation either but I had to try for Max’s sake. I thought about what I should say as I walked down the street to Bob’s house. I didn’t want to make him feel bad about it but I had to let him know what he was doing to Max.

I got to Bob’s and paused a minute before walking into his open garage. I could hear him messing around a little on the drums but not too loudly. He looked up when he saw me step in. He had no idea what I was about to lay on him and I had no idea how he’d react.

“Hey man, I got to talk to you.” Bob let out a sigh like he knew what it was about then clarified by saying, “I know. Max.” He seemed sorry to be having this conversation but not like he was avoiding it. It was more the fact that it needed to be had, like he felt guilty about how Max was feeling.

“Yeah, actually.” I figured it’d be easiest to just get on with it, why drag it out longer than it needed to be? “I know you don’t mean to, but you’re messing with Max. You talk and spend time and get to know each other, then without warning, you push her away. She thinks she did something wrong and you and I both know that’s not true. What’s up Bob, what are you doing?”

I could tell Bob didn’t want to hear this, but knew he had to. He knew what he was doing to her but sincerely didn’t mean to. “I don’t know. I have never met someone like her. She’s everything that’s perfect and good in the world and I don’t know how to handle it. I don’t know if I can believe that there’s something there. I guess I’m just kind of scared to go for it just to be rejected and lose her completely.”

“But that’s exactly what you’re doing to her.” I said outright. I needed to let him know that he just had to go for it. Just forget every doubt he had and just do what he knew he had to do.

“She’s scared too, man. She really, really likes you, more than anyone she’s probably ever met. You’re just making it harder for her, but she keeps coming back. If that doesn’t prove she won’t reject you, then I don’t know what will.” I wanted to clear things up for Bob and let him know how Max felt. She wouldn’t have liked me telling him this but she’d thank me later. Bob nodded understanding what I said and looked up.

“You’re right, this isn’t fair to her. I need to fix this. Thanks Ray.” He said this as he put down his drums sticks.

“Don’t mention it, Bob. Literally, if Max finds out I told you that she liked you, she’d kill me.” I said trying to lighten the mood a bit. “She’s going to come tonight so maybe you can talk to her then, just give her the rest of the day.” Bob nodded signifying he would take my advice. I left Bob to get ready for the movie night and prepare something to say to Max. It was all up to him at this point and hopefully he wouldn’t screw up.

I went back to my own house after running around all afternoon to get everything, including myself, ready to have everyone over. I went upstairs and took a shower. As usual I did nothing to my hair considering it would always be a frizzy curly mess, so why bother? I went into the basement and set down the extra pillows for Mikey to hide behind and Gerard and Frank to hit him with. Probably not what friends are for but it was too damn fun to miss. All there was left to do was break out the candy and wait for the guys and Max to get here.

Hopefully by the end of the night everything would be okay and I’d have my best friend back to her upbeat, happy self.


OOOOHHHH SHITS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!!! Short -but important- chapter. I can never seem to write in Ray's POV for long, so sorry that this chapter is a little short, but I promise, next weeks chapter is going to blow your socks off!! (I hope...)

Enjoy the reading, leave a comment, send me a message, do whatever you want. See you soon.

Also, for those who've read it, or started to, I will be FINISHING Perks of the Job hopefully before the start of summer, so expect that soon.

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