This wasnt suppose to happen 14

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Audrey's POV

I have never been so afraid in my life to ask anyone such a simple question. Have you ever felt smal and chldish compare to someone? LIke with just a flick of their hand or a simple slip of words your world may come tumbling down? Well thats how i felt right now. Mydad could say something like ' cus your a spolid bitch' and my kingdom of a life could could crumbling down.

My momma has always taught me to be strong. To show people that i didnt NEED my brothers or dad there to protect me. BUt the thought of not having them kiled me. They had always been there for me, so it was easy to pretend i didnt need them. BUt is it as easy when they realy arnt there anymore?

I was afraid of everything nowadays and it was really starting to bug me. SO when daddy said his next words, i think i looked like a puppy afraid off fireworks on the fourth of july.

" Sweetie i still love you! I will always love you. But sometimes you need to take risk, folow your heart, and stop worrying about your old man. Im not that old i can still take care of myself . Besides ive alays got your mother, and shes all i ever need." And right on q my mom walked out and wrapped her arms around my dads neck and kissed his the top of his head." Baby girl, i know your afraid. I know yu dont want to lose everything that you have, and i know you dont want to risk heart break. But sometimes the risks we take are what gives us life. Now Audrey you'll always be my little girl, and i would never let anyone near you who i didnt trust. so if i let Colin near you, dont worry about losing me becasue im the one who handed you over. It doesnt mean i dont love you, it means im doing what i know is right. Now you should to."

"Im scared daddy." I whispered leaning my back against him.

"Im scared to honey. BUt sometimes you've got to face your fears." He said kissing the top of my head. Momma still stood behind daddy her arms wrapped around his neck. SHe hadnt spoken at all in the last couple of minutes so i turned to look at her, just as a tear rolled down her cheek.

" Momma whats wrong?" I asked getting up and hugging her. Daddys arms encircled the both of us.

" Honey can you can inside, i would like to have a word with Audrey." Momma said pull back from me to look at daddy.

" Sure Hope." My dad said kissing her nose before turning on his left foot and waltsing into the house. I swear the man walks like her rules the world.

" Baby girl, take a walk with me." My mom said extending her hand to me. Taking it i let her pull me out into the woods, and into a small clearing with a glazed creek and beautiful flowing water fall. There was a small beach on the other side of the water and you could see clearly to the bottom of the tiny lake. Water fall fell off the edge of a cliff that surrounded the whole left side of the water. This is where the river came to an end.

Mom looked out into the water before speaking.

" This place, holds so many memories for me. I havnt come bac here since i was 19. Did you know rite up there i got pulled away by the current when me some of my friends were messing around? I got pushed down the waterfall and hit my head on a rock on the way down. I would have died if it wasnt for your father. We met that day. When he saved the stupid wolf who had fallen into the river. He took me back to his dad who nursed me back to health. My father was worried sick, adn when he found out i had been with a male wolf that angered him even more. But my daddy understand that i was in love, I was in love witht he wolf who saved my life. My father band me form seing him so i came back here everyday to meet him. On June 17th, my birthday i had come awaiting the suprise my love had for me, but when he wasnt here i panicked and broke out into sobbs. What if he didnt want me anymore? Well at this time our pack was at war with another and the enemy pack heard my cries. They came to take me away, to seek revenge on my father. WHen grandpa heard my screams he came to recuse to me, to help me. But there were to many wolves he fended them off killed two well the other ran off. He was killed in the proces. Your father came only minutes later and comforted me while i cried. I should have died that day, not my daddy. My father risked his life for me like i no your father would do for you. But Audrey if something happens to Daddy you wont always have someone to protect you like i did. Your father protected me everyday after that little accident, and i want the same for you. I want to know your always alright. I know this may seem scary and i know your a smart girl. You akways know what to do, because you do as your brain tells you. BUt just this once when your brain doesnt have the answer i want you to listen to your heart, like i did many years ago. Dont do what you think is right, do what you know deep inside is right,"

Momma's words brought tears to my eyes. Daddy was her everything and i wanted someone like that. I wanted someone to love and charise forever. SOmeone that would hold me while i cried and kiss me when i needed. someone to whisper loivng words to me as tradgy comes. I needed someone that would always protect me like daddy did for my mom.

Then Colins face popped up in my mind and i realized something. I did have someone who wnated me forever, someone to protect me and always be there. I had Colin, but i had built a wall to block out my hearts urges. I couldnt do that anymore, i couldnt be the only thing left standing n the way of my happiness. For that would just be plan dumb.

Hopping up i gave my mom a kiss on the cheek was about to run off when she called to me.

" AUdrey!" I turned to face her. " Honey, where r you going?" She questioned a worried look plastered on her face.

" where my heart told me mom." I said and she understood right away becasue she shoed me away. RUnning now i avoided twigs and stumps as images of Colin tumbled through my mind. Running out the edge of the woods and thorugh the open feild in our backyard, i ran towards the barn. I knew Colin would be in there toying around with the ATV's. When i came in about 50 feet of the barn i began screaming his name.

" COlin!" i huffed. no answer.

"COOLLLINNN!" I huffed again. no answer.

" COlin! Where are you?!?" I huffed this time.

" In th BARN!" He yelled back in his sexy deep voice. It was husky but childish. Innocent but guilty. It was just..undesribale.

PUshing open the doors off the barn. I saw Colin leaning over his motorcycle. His back was the the opposite wall. I could see his abs bending as he worked shirtless.

" Colin" I breathed his name. Looking up at me with a slight smirk, he ran a hand through his short but not super short amazing deep brown hair. ANd thats when i could resist anymore. I needed him, i needed to feel his lips on mine, to feel his arms around my waist. He walked out from behind the motorcycle so i could get a better view of him. He was a god. He was about to say something but i cut him off as i ran to him and jumped warpping my legs around his waist. He caught me easliy holding under my butt to support me. Now i was even height with him and just turned my head slightly to the left, before kising him passionatly. He responded quickly, forcing me closer to him and deepening the kiss.

It had to be the most amazing kiss of my life. Owen's kisses never, not once made me feel like was floating. Like my head was about to explode. His touch never sent shivers down my spine, or make where ever he touched hot. His smirk never made me went to melt, and his gaze never felt like i truly belonged to him. He never towered over me so much i felt like a child. His body never made me blush, and watching him play football never made me cring. Owen never had any affect on me.

But Coin sure as hell did.

My father actually approves of me mating! this wasnt suppose to happenWhere stories live. Discover now