My father actually approves of me mating! this wasnt suppose to happen 7

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She was no longer just some hot chick. She was my goddess, the thing that brought me to life and they thing that would keep me alive. She was my sun and my moon and the star i wished upon when i was little. She was the air i breathed and the only thing in the world i wanted to protect. Just by the sound of her angelic voice i knew that Audrey Davis was now my life.


Colin's POV

Walking back the way i came i walk down stairs and plopped down on the couch next to Adin who was only 3 years older then me. He was watchin jackass on mtv when i interrupted him.

" Yo Adin what would you do if someone imprinted on Audrey?" I asked trying to sound casually and not make anything obivious.

" Prob, rip him to sherds then throw his pieces into the river. Why bro?" He said it soo csually, but he sound so literal. Before i could reply Austin ploped down next to us with a beer in his right hand. I forgot he was 22. Next year he would get to be alpha of his fathers pack.

" Why are we talking about riping people apart "he asked taking a swing of his beer. Adin answered for me.

" Colin asked what would happen if someone imprinted on Audrey." luaghing Austin answered the question a different way.

" I would do alot worse then riping him apart. I would crush every bone his body so he couldnt move-" he paused to laugh again"-then i would tear of each layer of skin singly-" laughing again. I didnt se how any of this was funny "-then i would break his neck. But not until he actually suffered all the pain i caused him." Now both brothers we practicaly roling on the floor dieing of laughter. Then they looked at me and busted out into another fit of giggles.

Adin spoke then." Relax bro- "laugh"-we know-" laugh "- Audrey's your-" laugh laugh laugh "-mate!" Now they were seriously howling with laughter.

"OK DUDES NOT FUNNY!" Then they both stoped laughing ."sorry man" Austin said pating me on the back.

" How did you guys know?" I asked leaning my elbow on my knees and puting my head in my hands.

" Bro you watch my baby sis like i watch Teryn. I'm not gunna lie, it bugs the hell outta me but i know the feeling man." Austin said. Austin mate was my older sister Teryn who was off with my mom in spain right now shopping. Ter was spolid as hell, yet Austin loves her.

" Yea, man. I dont know what i would do without Cheyenne shes my life bro. And i know you dont got to worry about Axel because hes to worried about Krista , oh and is broken body to bother with you right now. So go for it." Adin said with a tiny shove.

"Oh but dont forget you hurt her-" austin started

"-we kill you" Adin finished. I laughed and stood up.

"Okay well, im gonna go tell her." I started walking but both boys grabbed me by the back of my shirt and pulled me toward the door.

"Now, now. NOt so fast killer." Adin said.

" You still haave to deal with .... him" Austin said pushing me out on the porch to face no other then a 6"9 ripped structure. glup. Colton Davis.


sorry its short but imm soo tired and i need my sleep!


ill update later i promise!


My father actually approves of me mating! this wasnt suppose to happenWhere stories live. Discover now