My father actually approves of me mating! this wasnt suppose to happen 3

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Audreys POV (same time as before)

Sitting still i watched the grass stop blowing in the wind and become unmoving. There was a creepy erie in the air, as the sky grew grey. Something was wrong. The forest around our large house was frozen and a long pittyful howl echoed, breaking the silence. The howl wasnt normal it was a cry in pain.

In seconds Daddy and Austin had busted through the back door and were running through the feild at unhumanyly speed until their bodies disappeared and two wolves ran in their place. They dissapered into the forest without a second glance back. I was about to run after them, but my mother screaming my name made me turn and look through the open door.

" Audrey honey you must not go, your father and Austin will be in danger as it is and i can not risk losing my baby girl." My mothers voice was shacky, and tears brimmed her eyes. I knew she was worried about dad. Thats all she ever woried about. Warpping her in a hug i rested my head in the crook of her neck.

"Its okay Mama, daddys gonna come ho-" Before i could finish my words though another high pitched howl eruped from deep within the woods and Axel and Adin bound out the door and ran in the same direction as father and Austin. My family was very high ranked in the wolf world and it was our job to protect our kind. Even if it ment the death of us. Mamas high pitched cry echoed threw the house as she fell to the ground taking me with her. Resting her head in my lap my mother cried so hard. Her tears hit the floor at the same rate as the raindrops were hiting our roof. Something outside was threating and terrifing i could feel in my blood and i knew it was the thing father was fighting off. Picking my mother up i placed her on the couch and ran outside ignoring her screams. Bounding down the stairs i stopped in the center of the field and caled my wolf. Pain surraged through my body as i felt my bones cracking and twisting. Within seconds my small 5'6 figure had become a 6 ft white wolf and my fathers thoughts rang in my head.

' Audrey wat are you doing in wolf from?!' his voice was harsh and demanding but instead of replying i used my power to see the world through his eyes. A small auburn wolf lay on the forest floor with a puddle of blood surrounding her. A huge male black wolf stood protectivly over her body and was growly at a figure infront of me.

Haning from my mouth by its neck was a big, (but not as gaint as daddy, he was the biggest wolf id ever or anyone for that matter had ever seen) golden wolfwith gleming red eyes. His was crazed and rogue. WIth the slightest pressure of my teeth he wimpered in pain. Controling my fathers actions i made him jerk his head quickly killing the wolf instantly. I felt a slight pang f guilt until i heard a wimper from beside me.

Axel lay under a large female wolf as she forced all her wieght on his ribcage. Wrapping my mouth around her tail, i quickly threw her into a tree and watched her body hit the ground. This had given my other son Adin the chance to pounce and dig his teeth into her neck causing her to howl in pain. Picking her up by the neck her flung the rest of her body against a tree never losing his hold. You could hear the cracking as her head was removed from her body.

I looked away for a second to soak in the scene around me. Austin had gone human and now held the injured girl in his arms, she alwaqys no longer wolf. Watching him walk in the direction of the house i turned to look at Axel who lay now human on the floor unmoving. Adin was standing over him stil if wolf form and gave me a pleading look.

I spoke form my fathers mind to my brother.

'go son, see if your mother is alrite' Mom could always sense when one of us was hurt. Then i thought one last thing to my father before he turned human and i was forced from his mind.

' daddy bring Adin home now, please' was the last thingi remember and then i wasnt wolf anymore. My body exhuasted from engery loss soon gave out on me and everything went black.


I woke up in my bed, fully clothed in the dark. I had been unconsisous for awhile if it was already dark. Geting out of bed i opened one of my doors and peaked out silently. Looking left and right i checked to make sure the coast was clear before tiptoing down stairs. I had almost made it to the kitchen, i was almost home free until i heard the sound of a painful cry come from the living room couch and heard pounding footsteps on the staircase. SHIT! im soo dead.... I thougth parying to god before i rushed to Axel side.

Axel lay on the couch whimpering in pain and calling my mother. I kneeled down next to him and lightly traced the banage that went from his shoulder and wrapped around his whole uper and lower chest, stoping at his botom ab. My brother looked terrible but most of all her looked like he was ready to die.

"Shhh, Axel im right here sweetie. Wat do you need? What hurts?" I questioned quietly in his ear as i felt a pressense behind me.

Axel voice was soft and he sounded parsh. " Audreyy was alll he said before he screamed again.

My father ran into the kitchen and came back quickly with water and two tiny pils. Plopping the pils into Axel's awaiting mouth he handed him the water that Axel quickly chugged down just in time to drop it as his eyes closed. Axel was now aslep and out of pain. But he had left me to fend for myself against the mighty alpha himself.

" Audrey AnnMarie NIcole Davis wat the hell were you thinking taking control of me like that!?" My father whisper yelled at me if thats humanly possible..

" I was thinking i could help" I said back quietly. So quiet i cant believe he even heard me. Then again he could hear a pin drop.

"DO have any idea how much danger you put me and your brothers in! if i cant control my thoughts then i cant deliever orders and chaos could come about! Do you not understand that!?!?" Now there was no whisper to his yell my father was full on screaming at me and i could feel the hot tears on my cheeks.

" Im sorry Daddy" i said lowering my head and covering my face with my hands. How could i have been so stupid, My father was alpha and without him giving orders my brothers could have died. And it would have been my fualt. I could feel my sobs growing louder as my father wrapped me in his huge arms,

" Shh baby. its alright, Just promise it wont happen again?" My father asked, talking into my messy bun of curls.

" I promise" i said looking up into my fathers emrald green eyes that matched my own.

" Good now lets go to sleep" he said puling away form me and turning around geting ready to walk away. But not without bending down so i could hop up on his back. Climbing up the stairs with my clingy to his back my dad carried me all the way to my room and set me down on the bed.

Bending down he planted a kiss on my head and whispered

" Good night sweetie. I love you baby girl. So much and never forget yu'll always be my little girl." Then he turned and made his way to the door. ANd just like i did everyday since i was 5. I bounced quietly out of bed running to him and grabbing his hand i turned him around and hugged him.

" I love you lots more daddy" then pulling back i planted a kiss on his cheek before turning and hoping in bed as i heard my door close and retreating footsteps making there way down the hall.

Laying back and wrapping myself up in the warm feel of my fuzzy black blanket i looked up at the silver words written in cursive on my ceiling.

' I love you from the moon and back. And deep within the sky, past the stars and all above where the angels fly'

Those words i have heard every night since the day i was born. My mother would kiss me on the cheek and whisper the poem agaist my skin just before dady said goodnite to me. And now i knew i was wrong before. Looking out from of the back proch wasnt home, or sitting on the coch lazyly with my brothers on a sunday morning wasnt home. Home to me was those small smiple words my parents said to me that made me know they loved me. The little tiny things they siad that made me feel like i belonged. My home was " Good night sweetie. I love you baby girl. So much and never forget yu'll always be my little girl." or ' I love you from the moon and back. And deep within the sky, past the stars and all above where the angels fly'. And that, that was a place i never wanted to leave. EVen if it ment the death of me.

My father actually approves of me mating! this wasnt suppose to happenWhere stories live. Discover now