My father actually approves of me mating! this wasnt suppose to happen

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OK so im a new writer and i would realli like some feed back please and thanx :] <3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Colton Davis' POV

My wife Hope lay holding our baby girl in a hospital bed. My sons Austin, Axel, and Adin stood beside me as we watch this small child open her eyes for the first

time. My beautiful baby girl had me so hypnotized that i couldnt remove my eys from her small nose. She looked so much like her mother. Her little blonde curls

already circling her tiny head.

" Mommy can i see sissy?" Adin asked his mother with pleading eyes. She nodded slowly exhuasted from her 8 hour labor. Picking Adin up will little problem i

placed him next to his mother. Axel begin the smarter twin had pulled up a chair to stand on and was peering down at his baby sister. Both looked just as

mezmorized as i was only seconds before. But Austin was the most intense. He stood next to me not moving, just watching. He looked amazed, like nothing

was ever goin to take this tiny girl from his life. But he also had a look in his eye that told me Austin was thinking the same thing i was. This little girl was going

to control us till are boiling point. We were going to be wrapped around her perfect little fingers.

A gasp from my love made me turn my head away from my son and to her prefect face. She looked so suprised but not at the boys at the little girl in her

arms. I looked to my sweet baby girl and for the first time since my weding i cried. This beautiful little child had my very same emarld eyes and i knew from then

on she was going to be special. No one would ever harm her. no one would ever come near her. This little girl held so much of my love i would i could never let her go.

From that moment on i knew this little girl. My baby girl was going to be my life and i would give anything for her happiness.

Austins's POV -

My little sister lay still in my mothers arms as my brothers forced their faces closer to hers. She was the cutest little thing ever. Her blonde curls looked the

same as mamas and she loooked nothing like me , my brothers or daddy. Actually she was the complete opposite from me and the brothers. We all had dark

brown hair and deep blue eyes. I hoped she had my eyes. I hoped she looked just like mommy. Mommy was beautiful. Daddy had this realli serious look in his

eye and i think i had the same one because i looked at daddy once and then i couldnt stop staring at the small tiny person. I waited impaitently for her tiny eyes

to open and when they did i heard mama gasp and daddys eyes leave the side of my face.

She had the same eyes as father. This really pretty green that made her cute little face glow. I couldnt wait to see her smile. I already knew this tiny girl was

going to mean more then Axel or Adin did to me. I felt this little draw tooward her form the moment i saw her. She was so small so innocent and i new i had now

job. One thing being a werewolf came in handy for. I had to protect her from everything. She was to have no harm caused, adn if she did. WEll then whoever

caused it must be ready to die. No one was going to hurt her. I was her big brother and i would never let that happen. Never.

My father actually approves of me mating! this wasnt suppose to happenWhere stories live. Discover now