My father actually approves of me mating! this wasnt suppose to happen 15

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Hey guys! Im sorri i havnt written in awhile ive been sick :( anyone ever heard of bulimia? Thanks anyone who commented or messaged me to update!

2 things.

first. the picture in chapter 14 is in fact Colin himself! ♥ :) * he is d*mn s*xy and is my boyfriend ( i wish) jed hill =P

second. if anyone has any suggestions on who should be Audrey i would realli apperciate them! I can decide! its soo hard. But who evergives me th best suggestion i will dedicate the rest of my story too and they will get a specail part in the squeal! ( if there is one) :)

this has not been edited!

thank yu all soo much for reading and commenting!


- all my love

Carlie (Cam)


Audrey's POV

2 months. 2 months since i fell in love with Colin. 2 months since i finally became my own person. 1 month. 1 month from this exact date. The day i first fell in love, Colin will be alpha. In only one month i will be Alpha female, i will have responsiblities beyond just cleanig my room or doing my homework. Not to mention I will only be 16 in 5 days! 5 days!!!!!!!!

July 18th. The date of my birth is only 5 days away and i have a whole party to plan well also managing to babysit Maddie . My new baby cousin. CUtest little thing.

Colin lay on my bed , his head in my lap as i sat cross legged against my headborad. We werent talking, the only sound was the wind blowing in from my balcony doors. The only movement was my hand slowly gliding through Colin hair and the up an down of Colins stomach. I lay my head back against the wall in order to close my eyes and maybe tae a nap. Instead i am granted with a huge thud and a surge of pain. "Owwww." I mumbled out as Colins eyes shot open. Lookin up at me through his eyelashes concern flashed across his face. He didnt have to speak it only thin it for me to hesr it.

' Are you okay, babe?" His wolf said to mine :)

Bending done i kissed his temple and mumbled 'fine' against his skin. He shivered slightly as i removed his head from my lap and placed it on my pillow. getting up i walked out onto my balcony and leaned against the rail. The sun was just setting and the sky wa becoming dark, with tiny spots of glitter. When the stars started to twinkle i felt to largeeeee arms slip around my waist. COlin rested his chin on th top of my head

" You look tired, babe." Colin speaking to me but keeping his chin on my head.

" Im not tired, im stressed. Im gonna go for a run." I said slidng from his grasp. As i was about to go inside he grabbed my right forearm.

"I'll come with you?" He said as a statement but in a questioning tone. As if asking permission.

" I need to go alone." I said turning now to face him as he let out a tiny whimper.

" I'll be back soon i promise." I said in a cute little girl voice, geting on my tippytoes and leaning up smashing my eyes closed tight and puckering up. Making a cute yet funny face. Colin let out a chuckle and bent down to close the 5 inches left between our mouths. His kisses still made me feel the same way they did 2 months ago.

Puling back he warpped his arms securly around my wasit and looking down at me.

" I love you, Auddy." He said in his little boy voice. Yes, he called me Auddy. Its what my family calls me. NO ONE ELSE. besides my love of course.

" I Love you too, Colly." I said looking up at him through my eye lashes. Bending down again he planted his lips on mine. This kiss was more a a sweet peck. Short, and sweet, yet still had the same affect. SLipping from his grasp he reluctntly let go of me. Going back to the railing i climb over the right side and slid down the big oak that stood there. WIth one last glance up at my balcony, i took off into the woods, knowing when i got back Colin wouldnt be there.


I never shifted if thats what you thought. I ran in human from 10 minutes to the creek. Mine and mommas creek. She said that we could share it now so i could make memories here with COlin like she did with daddy. BUt instead of bringing Colin here, i keep this place to myself. I like tot come here and wirte in my journal when im stresed or bored. Or when i just need a break from reality. I loved this place. SO much. But there was one spot i stayed clear of.

Mom and Dads rock. The rock i sat on when my mother told me her story. I couldnt bring myself to sit on their rock when it was like the holder of all her memories. That was moms rock, so instead i got my own. It sat right under a beautiful oak tree and had a branch right next to it like a shelf. Thats where i kept my journal. SItting down i didnt grab my journal though, i just looked out at the water infront of me. The moon light hit the water edge so perfectly, i couldnt resist but to walk over and look at the nights reflection in the sparkling creek. The water was still and suddenly a erie slince surounded me. Running seemed like the logical thing to do but when i was about to turn around i saw my refletion in the water. BUt now i wasnt alone, a dark figure lerked behind me

I could tell by the reflection it was no one i knew and no one pleseant, so i did the one thing i was capible to do at the moment. The one thing i've done since i was little to get me out of danger. i screamed at the top of my lungs for my daddy.

I continued to scream as an arm snaked around my waist pulling me towards them. In the water i could see them raise something above their head, and swing it down toward my head. I ducked out of the way and fought against his grasp. HIs hand clasped my mouth as he noticed i was still screaming. I bit into the space next to his thumb and tore his skin as he pried his hand away. Releasing me to check his hand gave me the chance to run, but now the egde of the forest around the creek was surrounded. FInding just a tiny space between the man and wolves was all i needed and then i saw it. RIght threw the beautiful rose garden i ran ingnoring the pricks from throns and the blood beginning to drip down my legs. I kept running kep pushing ntili was deep in the forest. I screamed out to Colin, to AUstin, to my Dad and to anyone i thought could help me. And just as i saw th light of the house my foot slipped. geting caught in the roots of the old oaks that surrounded the edge of the woods. Puling my down and making everything balck as I fell. My head cracking off the side of a tree stump.

The last thing i heard were footsteps, and then everything went dark.

My father actually approves of me mating! this wasnt suppose to happenWhere stories live. Discover now