My father actually approves of me mating! this wasnt suppose to happen 10

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ok so guys i have a goal! if i can get 60 comments i wil mae the next chapterss supperduper long and make a sqeual to my story.... if it get popular enough!

so help me out please


i love yu guys ( no homo)

- carlie annmarie


****** Audrey's POV*********

I havnt left my room in since friday. I havnt stopped crying since i got home firday. Why am i crying? I HAVE NO GOSH DAMN IDEA. I dont even like Colin, ye everytime i hear, or think his name i bust out in tears. Like i am right now at this exact moment. I dont know whhy but the tought of him with another girl makes me want to rip them apart. Wel this sucks, now i have go to school with my eyes all puffy and red , not cool. Ughh and Owen's gonna ask whats wrong.

I feel bad i havnt answered one of his text. Or any of his phone calls. Hell i havnt even listened to the 32 messages he left me. But its not that i dont want to, it like i cant. Everytime i touch my phone something or someone (maybe) sayss ' you dont love him! you dont love himm!' in a lile tuanting voice in my head! I cant take it! I do love Owen! Or at least i thought i did.

Finally slummping out of bed i walked slowly to th back of my walk in closet and slipped off my p.j.'s andon my short (way to short for a normal school uniform, but i geuss my school hates being normal) skirt and navy blue polo with the tiny RSC logo ingraved ingold right above my right breast. I pulle don my anklet black socks and my black pumas and shut my closet door behind me. Walking into the bathrom i straightened my hair and aplied my make-up to perfection. When i walked into the kitchen the clock read 7:40. Owen would be here in 5 minutes to get me. I kissed my mother and father both goodbye before leaving. I would usually kiss my brothers but all THREE were ignoring me at the moment. Even Axel who hasnt even met Colin. Like they r siding with him over me! He may be AUstins brother-in-law but im his actual sister!

Jogging down the porch steps i sat at the bottom and ate the apple i had grabed on the way out. ( Yes i am an apple addict. What can i say)

When Owen pulled up i threw the core of my apple into the woods and hoped into his Ford f150 Pickup truc dreading this ride already.

" Hey babe." He kissing my cheek as I shut the huge door.

"Hey" I said quietly back. The ride to school was quiet and i guess Owen could sense something was wrong because when we parked infront of school instead of letting me get out he grabbed my wrist. "what's wrong?" he asked kind of harsh. " Nothing" i said in the same quiet voice as before. "Audrey, if yur gonna dump me you better realize you'll be losing everything?" he said in his cocky voice. God his wasnt hot like colins at all. Colin had something to be cocky about, i used to think Owen did to, but now his okay pack is nothing to Colin's perfect 8 pack.

" Im breaking up with you Owen and what is that supose to mean? what would i be lsing without you?" I said now, in a maga bitch voice. You know the who-the-hell-do-you-think-you-are voice. well then he did that little smirk thing that i wanted soo bad to wipe off his face. It wasnt cute like it had been only days ago now it was just horrid.

" Audrey baby, we both know your nothing without me ." He said his hand ceressing my cheek. Slapping it away, i said

" I personaly believe i would be a hell of alot better without you and you better watch it because i can drop you like that" i said in the same tone and snaping my fingers to emphizie 'that'. Then i opened the door and hopped down from his truck.

Walking through the parking lot al the guys watched me walk and i got a few lustful looks. Today was like anyother day. Yet, i couldnt help but notice that i wanted Colin at my side to protect me from al these gawking losers. When i made it what are our school we call the grass land (author: its really just the front lawn of the school, but her school is like a castle soo think more like quad/garden) i turned to face the parking lot and said in a perfectly normal voice.

" By the way boys, Im single." Thats when all chaos erupted. Girls began to whisper and the whole football team ran to Owen who stood there in utter shock.

I, being me just turned around and made my way into the huge castle i call highschool.


When i wlaked into Algebra my bestfriend Jamie Mackenzie Konnors or JMK tackled me with question.

" LOng story short. He said i was no good without him so he lost himself a girlfriend." I said taking my seat as she took the one to my left. I always sat in the far bac left corner. Why? Because it's super easy to text without getting caught. Pulling out my phone i had a text from an unknown number. Opening it read.

[ hey ]

Sliding up my driod soit was full keyboard i tpyed back

~ who is this? ~

[ the love of your life ]

~ not funny owen. leave me alone. ! ~

[ whos owen? ]

~ this isnt owen? ~

[ no, its colin ]

End of conversation. Why? Because i hate colin just as much as i hate Owen. Class had already started and i felt soo sick i couldnt bare it raising my hand i interupeted Mr. Quinccy.

" Yes, Audrey?" He asked annoyed.

" I dont feel well, may i please be excused?" I said in my polite little girl voice.

"Go" he said. Gez, dude rude much?

Walking out i made my way to my locker. The boys were outside practicing for the big game tonight and i knew this how? Because of the big glass window that a perfect view of the football feild my locker happening to be just oposite this window.

Throwing my books in my locker i put my juicy couture back pack on my right shoulder and walked out the door, and onto the green grass near the field. Sitting down ( thank god for my spankys under my skirt) and watched 25 sweaty boys do sprints. Owen stoped when he saw me and blew me a kis, that earned him a dirty lok. I turned ignoring lingering glances from other players to my backpack that now lay next to me. I was about to open it when i saw a litlle sticky note stuck to the front.

' babe i know you were just kiding so all is forgiven ;)

- your love machine'

WTF! is Owen on!?!?! i was completly serious when i said i was single and i dont think i sounded like i was kidding. Did i sound like i was kidding? NO one else semed to think i was kidding!

Getting up i began to fake sob and walked over to coach. Coach Augustine defo loved me becasue well my brothers Adin adn Axel were the two fasted players on the team ;).

" Co-co-coach i n-need t-to speak wi-with O-ow-owen please!" i made my self stuture and sound heart broken and coach totally bought it. Before screaming out for owen he whispered.

" im sorry for what ever he did to you sweet heart, he's an asshole" and with a wink he walked away gaining a slight smile from me.I still had to pretend to be upset. Then i saw Owen's figure running towards me.

" I knew you wanted me babe!" He said al perky while engulfing me in a hug. I didnt respond and he pulled away.

"Wha-" He didnt have time to finish because of my hand connecting with his face.

The sound of that hit had the whole football team shaking and Owen speechless.

My father actually approves of me mating! this wasnt suppose to happenWhere stories live. Discover now