My father actually approves of me mating! thiswasnt suppose to happen 9

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Hey everyone thanks for readin! im soo glad i even got to write this much at all and im glad ppl actually like wat im writing! it makes me smile wen i read all yur comments :) I want to especially thank summer-loving123 for all of her help. Even tho i dont no her she is freaking awesome! SOo this chapter goes out to her!

- sincerely carlie <3 =)

P.s. Summer-loving123 yur advice made me rethink everything! thanks :] ***


;:::::::Audrey's POV::::::::::

After Sapphire quit arguing with me and decieded to so to sleep i walked down stairs to fin my two borthers sprawled out on the Ryder's living room couchs.

Walking up behind the larger couch I leaned against it and bent over. Holding myself up with my arms i got in Austin face like i always did when i was little.

" Hey bro. WHeres daddy?" I asked flipping over the couch and laying myself out over my brothers body. He coughed out under my weight and shoved me off him and onto the floor.

" DAng little girl how much do you weigh!?!?" He teased holding his stomaach acting like i hurt him. Hitting him playfully in the gut i responded with an "oh shut up" and sat down on the end of the couch. "Sooo where's dad?" I asked again dragging out the o.

"Outside having a heart to heart with COlin." Then as i got up to walk out the front door Adin grabbed my hanf before i could make it past him.

" You know i dont think Owen, would like you cheating on him very much." And with a slight wink and a confused look from me he let me go. I kept walking replying Adins words in my head. What did he mean? I wasnt cheating on Owen!.

OK if your wndering who Owen is yu'll be happy to know he's my boyfriend of 6 months. He is soo perfect but of course Daddy didnt approve, he never did. Owen though is amazing hes play rugby and football. Owen has perfectly tanned skin shaggy blech blonde hair and really simple blues. COmpared to Colin's they were nothing. WAIT! I DID NOT JUST COMPARE OWNE TO COLIN! NO WAY! I MEAN THEY HATED EACHOTHER! Owen was the quarter-back for our school. Riverside Central. While Colin was the best quarter-back on the east coast and his team always beat ours. Stupid RIverside East and their cocky football team.

I was finally outside now, but i hadnt realized my ffather had removed me from his lap until he was going in the house and leaving me alone with satan himself.

Colin had a cocky grin on his face when he said four words i never thought i would hear in my life. " You are my mate." and then he leaned back in his chair like it was nothing. Like nothing fucking crazy had just happened.

"WHAT!?" I yelled jumpping out of my chair.

"Yea babe, isn't it great ?" And with that i slapped him. " I'm not your babe, asshole." Then i walked down the porch stairs and hopped into the drivers seat of the big suburban. Rolling down my window i yelled out. " Tell my dad and brothers they can run home." and with that i tore off down the wooded rode. But not before glancing back at what i was leaving behind. Maybe i made the wrong choice? Oh who am i kidding Colin's a stupid cocky asshole player. Just like the rest of the wolves.

My father actually approves of me mating! this wasnt suppose to happenWhere stories live. Discover now