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I miss you, I'm miss holding you, I miss the hope I received when I spoke your name. You were suppose to stay with me forever, I would have never left you and would've done my best to make sure I was the best I could be. My lips cant help, but to ramble your presence every chance that is given. If don't stop talking about you, it like you never left me.

I don't understand, why give me so much happiness and so much hope just to take it away from me? Before you I was just completely broken, I had no self. When I was blessed with you its like I found my purpose in life, Like I finally had a reason to be happy and no one could take it away from me.But now, your as gone as the voices in my head that gave me life. The little bit of hope I had left, has been burnt. I'm holding the ashes in my hand. I should let you go and blow you in the wind and together we'd hear our last melody , but then you'll actually be gone. Then, when I speak of you I know it's only appropriate to talk in past tense. I don't want you to go, I want to act like there is still a chance that one day I could hold you again, there's a change that one day I could sing to you and feel your whole mood change. Why do I have to say goodbye to the one person I was sure id never be left by? I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough, I'm sorry that my mistakes made you leave me. If there could be one more chance, If I could just go back in time I'd know, I'd know that we weren't invincible, I wouldn't have taken advantage of the love you filled me with. I'm falling and the only thing i wanted to live for, left. I know that you will never be able to be replaced, that no one can and will never give me the feeling i got when I was with you. The loud secret is, I want you.I want you back more than anything. The music is that I'll never get that chance.

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