Crawling towards success

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I always want to have the hard conversations.
The kind you can't get out without  your voice trembling.
The kind that sever cocoons and blossoms dragons.
A conversation that make your knees weak but you back strong.
I want to converse poison, that describes hope
I want my words to create scars you'll see as tattoos one day.
Tattoos you see in the mirror when the glass is shattered and you're ready to create your own.

I want you to carve your name across my chest without ink.
I want to sink into you.
I  consume your insecurities , so all you have left is power.
I want you on me,in me and apart of me.
I want to hold your hands, then push you past your limits. I want you to shove me off of a cliff and release my wings.
I want to be your weakness and you my strength. I want to tip toe down the isle and to stomp on doubt.
I want you to take my breath and give me a reason to breath.

My Silent Scream....(personal Poems)Where stories live. Discover now