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Now, you say he loves you,

Of course he loves you,

But how fair is it,

If I loved you first?





Of these thoughts and feelings.

No, I do not love him,

He is just a tent,

In a forest that is you.

I just want protection,

From your depths.

For, I am afraid,

If I were to wander too far,

I would never return.

My, my, my,

You are not my,

Rainy girl.

You are named,

Merely by someone who cannot,

Describe you.

However, I would never,

Label you.

You are who you are,

And whatever you are,

You are lovely.

Do not ever let his absence,

Make you question yourself.

Ah, what am I thinking?

Shoelaces, I am,

You tangle my conscious up,

Until my words are in knots,

In my throat.

Never apologize,

for your storms.

Because, dear,

I love the rain.

Once again,

Due to your steady showers,

The Riiver's are flooded,

Just as my eyes.


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