Think about it

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I'm really, really awkward.

I can type pretty words,

I can write them down on the back of  a napkin.

"Oh, how romantic!"

Sure, but to say them?

They all fall out as jokes,

Or a blob of contradictions.

There's so many things I could've said,

When you were right there in front of me.

But I could not force them out of my mouth.

So, Ill write them instead:

I think your eyes are pretty,

I think your nose is perfect,

I'm not sure if you hate me or love me..

But whatever it is, don't stop.

Your voice makes me drool,

(Oh god, yeah that's true),

And, everything you do has purpose.

Anything I felt before you,

It was mere water.

You are rum and I am drunk on your presence.

Please don't think I'm creepy, 

I'm not creepy.

I...just, don't know how to,

Describe you?

I've written poetry about girls before,

Of course.

But, the words I want to use for you,

Well they're just too insipid.

So, here's a few ways I can describe you:

You are a thunderstorm,

I am so terrified of your ubiquity,

But I am still in complete awe of you.

You are the dark,

Something that frightens me so much,

And yet I'd willingly follow you.

You are the ink on my hands,

You are the holes in the moon,

You are the distorted part of a record.

There's something so ominous about your near perfection...

I'm infatuated.

I'm sorry I couldn't say these things to you,

That the the only thing I could muster,

Was a half assed,

"Think about it"

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