Piano Girl (Reprise)

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Hello friend,

I see the weary suns in your eyes,

The cracks in your smile.

Sit across from me,

And I'll comfort your aching mind.

That girl is a starry night,

You have every right to be afraid of her.

You have every right to be in awe of her.

And, that woman,

Is incapable of knowing,

Your restless attempts.

But she loves you so.

You know,

You know.

My friend,

You have seen the colors on my face,

When other's saw nothing at all.

You have written stories from my voice.

I'm the only one you've ever played,

But in all the right ways.

Your hands gentle caress,

Your cheek's soft press,

I was something for your head to rest.

And, let me tell you,

You are broken and shattered,

You are a stained glass window.

And no one,

No one,

Needs to fix you.

In all of your joy, and worry, and sorrow,

There is a spark,

There is a dull murmur,

And hum of life.

And in that is you,

Piano girl.

You made me beautiful,

Now let me pick up your pieces,

And show the world how beautiful you can be.

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