Chapter 5- I Can't Do This Alone

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Part Five

Julie's POV

It's Saturday. What a time to be alive. Today we crush everything Wyatt has planned for the future and dropped the baby bomb. Literally.

"Hey mami, can u watch Riley for me today? Just for a few hours" I shouted through the house.

"Que" she shouted back.

I walk to the living room with Riley in my arms to see my mom on the couch watching her spanish soap opera.

"I asked if u could watch Riley today" I repeated.

"For a few hours no mas, mami" I added.
(No mas- no more)

"Ooouu, I forgot to tell u ma, Lissette's pregnant" i said taking a seat on the couch

"Who" she questioned turning her attention to me.

"Lissette mami, my friend" I explained.

"Ohhhhh the one who's always been jealous of you" she nodded her head understanding who I'm talking about now.

"She even wants the take the teen mom title from you" she scoffed.

"Ay dios mi" she added shaking her her.
(Oh my god)

It's true, Lissette has always wanted what's mine. She's always been jealous of me. I feel weird actually admitting it because she's my friend, but now it's more obvious then ever. Now, I know she didn't mean to get pregnant since it was evident in her voice, but still.

"So can you watch her" I asked again.

"Why, where you going" she questioned.

"Lissette wants me and Jackson to be there when she tells her boyfriend that she's pregnant" I explained.

"I just wanted to be noisy, of course I'll watch Riley" she laughed, causing me to laugh.

"Ok thank you mami" I say giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna go before she starts to cry" I whisper since she went to go play.

"Ok meja, te veré más tarde" she said as I walked to the door.
(Ok sweetie, I'll see you later)

"Bye ma" I closed the door and look in the mirror before I go, I'm wearing a basic black shirt with a little pocket on the top left and washed out blue jeggings with my classic Adidas. My hair was hiding under a hat since I just washed it yesterday and I was lazy this morning. After check in the hallway mirror to see how I look I walked over the the front two doors and opened them.

As I opened those doors I see Jackson walking up the porch stairs.

"I thought I was picking you up" he asked tilting his head to the right like a confused puppy.

"That was never discuss but I guess it would have made sense" I laughed.

"Well, let's go before Lissette gets impatient" he sighed leading us back to the car.


*ring ring*

My phone rang and I turned it over to see it was Lissette calling.

"Hello" I answered into the phone.

"Where are you guys, I'm waiting outside of Wyatt's house and I don't see you guys" she said nervously.

"We just got here, we found parking a few minutes ago and were turning the corner right now" I said, giving her the play-by-play of our every move.

"Turn around" I sigh into the phone and hung up.

"Oh my gosh, what took you so long" she exaggerated when she noticed us.

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