DVD (Jeremike)

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[Author-chan note: This one will probably be a lot harder on the feels. You have been warned.]


"NO! JEREMY," Mike screamed, sinking to his knees, tears streaming down his face. He watched as his best friend, hell, his crush simply stood there, accepting his fate. The building in front of Mike was burning, and the entrance was blocked. Jeremy was behind the doors. Trapped inside. He had started the fire though. He had chosen to be the one to sacrifice himself to destroy everything about the past that need to be. 

Jeremy watched Mike, his hazel eyes betraying him, showing the pain he felt, though he still didn't fight it. Above, something cracked, then fell, landing nearby. The entire place was going to collapse.

Mike couldn't move. He wanted to. He wanted to try to save his love, but almost as if a strange force held him, he stayed in place, watching what was essentially the end of the world for him.

Without warning, the entire ceiling suddenly gave way, but before the blonde could be crushed, everything suddenly disappeared.

Mike woke with a start. His breathing was staggered and quick, his face wet with tears. He closed his eyes, trying to push the horrible nightmare of the memory out of his head. It had only been a few weeks since... Jeremy had... done it. 

The memories continued to flash in Mike's head. 

The fire.

The building collapsed.


He gave up everything.

Suddenly Mike's phone rang, jerking him back to the real world. He looked at his phone, reading the caller ID - it was Fritz. Trying to calm his rapid breathing, he answered.


"Hey Mike. I was just wanting to check up on yo-," Fritz paused; he could tell what had happened,"... Bad dream again?"


"Oh.... man I'm so sorry... Although, while we're on the subject of... him... I wanted to give you something. He gave it to me about a week before... it happened. He said to give it to you around now." Fritz seemed almost scared to speak of the subject of Jeremy; his voice was noticeably quieter and more timid than usual.

"Sure.... I guess."

~timeskip~ (About 20 minutes)

A knock sounded at Mike's door. It was Fritz. Mike walked over and opened the door to his apartment. Fritz was holding a small  box. He held it out to Mike, who took it from him. He then took a step back, looking sheepish,"I really wanna stay and help you out, but I've gotta go to work. I'm late." Fritz had gotten another job, after the whole Fazbear issue was "resolved". He now worked at another pizza place, a bit further down the road than Freddy's.

He waved, then as he turned to walk away, Mike quietly shut the door. He examined the box in his hands. It was neatly wrapped, with a small blue bow on the top. (Mike's favorite color is blue :3)

Mike took a deep breath and opened the little box. Inside was a DVD, with Mike's name written in Jeremy's flowy handwriting on the top of the disk. He carefully removed the DVD, and walked over to his computer. He sat down, turning it on, and inserted the disk into the player that was attached. On the screen, a video file opened. Mike took another breath, closed his eyes for a moment, and pressed play.

[author-chan note: text in brackets is dialogue in the video]

The video showed Jeremy, from, as Fritz said, about a week before 'it' happened. He took a deep breath before starting.

[So.... this is hard for me to say. Especially because of the circumstances you're probably in right now. Mike, about what happened, I'm sorry. I'm recording this ahead of time, so yes, when you're seeing this,  I knew what I was doing. I should have told you something earlier. But... I know I'll be gone when you do see this, so I guess I might as well.]

Jeremy paused for a second, and took another breath.

[I've wanted to say this for a long time.]


[I love you.]

Mike let out a half-choked sob. He hadn't realized that he had started crying again.

[I know you're probably mad that I chose this for myself. But I had to. It's what I had to do.]

[But whatever may be happening, whatever may happen in the future, just know that I love you.]

[I love you and I'll still be there with you]

Jeremy was in tears now. 





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