Drabbles pt 1 (Who's more likely to)

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I'm being lazy as far as writing Hidden Feelings, but only as far as actually putting it into Wattpad. Chapter 12 is done, and Chapter 13 is very close. I'm just lazy. And I was sick. Anyway, have some stuff. Answers going in order of Fronnie, Toy Fronnie, Shadow Fronnie. I found the prompts on some website.


- Cry in public

• Bonnie. He tends to be more likely to cry than Freddy in any situation.

• Clyde. He's a fucking drama queen. What do you expect?

• ShaBonnie. He probably won't, but he's more likely to than ShaFreddy.

-Forget birthdays

• Bonnie. Freddy would never forget someone's birthday- it's just not in his nature.

• Teddy. He forgets stuff a lot. Clyde usually has to, and does(very loudly) remind him.

• ShaBonnie. He gets so caught up in making sure no one is killing each other or nothing's on fire that he will often forget to take care of himself, much less remember someone's birthday.

-Get drunk

• Freddy. He stress eats a lot, which can turn to drinking if he's not careful.

• Clyde. He's not old enough to drink, but he'll do it anyway. Because being fabulous is an excuse in his mind.

• ShaBonnie. Considering how he has a really high alcohol tolerance, he drinks quite a bit, usually without issue. Unfortunately he loves drinking games. And he's super competitive. Doesn't mix well.

-Be sleepy

• Freddy. He has minor insomnia issues, and will have a hard time falling asleep at night. And also getting up in the morning. He can't function correctly until he has coffee.

• Clyde. He tends to stay up all night watching anime (heckingweeb). Sleep is for the weak, amiright?

• Shabonnie. Same reason as birthdays. He spends so much time caring about others that he will sometimes go pretty long periods of time without sleeping.

-Be impatient

• Freddy. He hates waiting for mostly anything.

• Clyde. He is the definition of impatient.

• ShaBonnie. He can do stuff the others can't, (like teleport) and will often forget that.

-Fall whilst walking

• Bonnie. He tends to not watch where he's going a lot.

• Clyde. He's a very clumsy boi. No explanation necessary.

• ShaFreddy. Usually because he's tripping over ShaBonnie. Don't even ask.

-Laugh at the wrong moment

• Bonnie. He has some issues in the form of social anxiety. Laughing is one of them.

• Teddy. He has a weird sense of humor.

• ShaBonnie. He also has a weird sense of humor. Probably weirder than Teddy's. Actually yes. Way weirder than his.

-Fart in public

• Freddy. Bonnie wouldn't be caught dead doing that.

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