Part 7

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9:30 am

I woke up to find J-hope still hugging me just as he was last night. I ran my fingers through his soft hair. He woke up and gave me a big grin.
Hobi: Good morning beautiful.

Y/N: Good morning Handsome
I had to get up and use the bathroom.
Y/N: Babe can you let go of me for a second. I have to use the bathroom.

Hobi: Sure but don't be gone too long

Y/N: The bathrooms right there babe. Your so suspicious. I laughed at him and lightly hit him on the chest.
After I handled my business, I went downstairs to cook breakfast for all of us. When I went down, there wasn't anybody there. I got really worried until I saw a note on the counter.
We won't be back until later. Don't worry about us. Jin said we needed to go shopping for groceries. DONT LEAVE THE HOUSE BY YOURSELF. It's still dangerous and we don't know what he's capable of. Please just listen for today. I love you. I'll bring you back some lunch.

I guess I don't need to fix breakfast. J-hope came from upstairs and back hugged me. He kissed me on my cheek and gave me butterfly kisses all over my neck. I loved him so much. He stopped kissing me and turned me around to face him. He placed his hands on my hips.
Y/N: Well I guess you've had your breakfast.

J-hope:I guess I have. Whats the note say.

Y/N: Yoongi said he won't be back until later. He told me not to leave the house and that he'd bring us back some lunch.

J-hope: Ok then. I'm gonna go back upstairs and watch some YouTube.
He left me in the kitchen and I went over to the coffee pot to make an espresso. While I was waiting for my coffee, I heard a knock on the door. I went to the door and opened it. I was shocked at who I saw.

It was Sunmi

Sunmi: Hi Y/N can I come in for a minute...

Y/N:  Umm. Sure. Come on in.
I gave her a cup of coffee and she sat down on the couch.
Y/N: So what brings you here

Sunmi: I need to talk to you about something. Or someone.

Y/N:Wait what do y-. Are you talking about....him.

Sunmi: Sadly, yes. I heard what happened. I'm so sorry. I came to warn you.

Y/N:Warn me about what.

Sunmi: Him. He's after you. When we were together, all he talked about was you. He said "Y/N this" and "Y/N that". When he saw you the first time,he changed. He started ignoring me more and got mad whenever I asked him about you two. He said "Never talk about her ever again". He stared at you everytime he saw you walk by. He really started to scare me. That's why I left him. And I want you to be very careful. I don't want you get hurt. I know we don't really talk to each other but I want to be your friend.

Y/N: I don't know what to say. Thank you so much for telling me this. And I want to be your friend too. How did you find out about all this.

Sunmi: He told me that we were over and said that your brother beat the shit out of him. When he ended the call I heard him say" and I will get revenge".
I felt horrified at this point. I couldn't say anything. I was frozen in fear and shock. My heart started beating faster and my eyes went wild because I knew he was out there, somewhere looking for me. And the worst part was...he knew where I lived.

Sunmi: Are you Ok Y/N. y/n....Y/N!!!

Y/N: y-yeah. I'm fine. I just need a minute.
I sat there with 1 million thoughts swirling around in my head. I was dead silent.

Sunmi: Im gonna go ahead and leave. I'll leave my number on the coffee table if you need to call me. Don't go anywhere by yourself and be safe.
I couldn't say anything. So she left and I sat there on the couch, stone faced with millions of bad things swirled around in my head.After a few minutes I got up and slowly walked back upstairs. I went in my room and saw J-hope on my laptop with his headphones on. I snuck past him and went back to the bathroom. I sat there on the edge of the bathtub, crying. I felt scared and horrified at the same time. All I wanted was for things to go right when we moved here. But things went horribly wrong. It's been like that since I was little. Nothing ever went right no matter how hard I tried. My dad left because he hated us. He hated his own children. And I always     blamed him leaving on my self. When I was 15 I had my first boyfriend. We dated for two months. One day I came to school early, and I saw him cheating on me with my bestfriend. All he did when he saw me was walk away. He walked away while I was standing there with tears pouring down my face. We hadn't even kissed yet. But he sure didn't seemed to mind kissing my ex bestfriend. And now I have Hoseok. My only wish is that he doesn't walk away like all the other men in my life. The only people that stood by me through all this shit, was my brother's and my mom. They were the only ones I had. Now I have 6 amazing friends that really care about me.

I came out of the bathroom and told J-hope I was going to go get some fresh air. He offered to go with me but I told him to stay where he was. I would only be gone 5 minutes.

I went and stood out on the front porch. The Sun was in full effect at this time. It was almost 11:00 anyway. I breathed in and out very slowly trying to calm my nerves. I sat down on the first step to relax. The last thing I saw was my bare feet on the cold bricks. Then I blacked out on the steps.

To be continued.....

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