Part 13

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When we got down there we saw.......

There was nothing down there. Nothing looked as if it had been disturbed. I was sure I heard something fall or break earlier.
Y/N: Babe, I'm sure I heard something earlier. I'm not having a nightmare, am I.

Hobi: We can go look around if you still feel like there's something here.

Y/N: Ok. I think that would be the best idea.

Hobi: Ok. Let's go get your mom so we can have an extra pair of eyes.

Y/N: ok
As we were walking up the stairs, someone put something over my mouth and drug me off the stairs. I couldn't scream. I couldn't call for help. The person drug me further and further down the steps to the front door. The lights were off so I couldn't see who it was. But I knew. I knew that it was HIM. Hobi turned around and started running toward me and HIM. The lights came on I heard a gunshot. I closed my eyes as tight as I could. When I opened my eyes I saw Hobi on the floor with blood running out of his leg. He was screaming in pain. I tried to get away and help him but Jungkook grabbed me and pulled me closer to him while he was dragging me out the front door. Everyone came running downstairs. V and Rapmon went to help Hobi and the rest of them came running towards me.
Yoongi: Let my sister go you sick piece of shit.

Jungkook: Not so fast. He put the gun to my head. Come any closer and I'll shot her. You don't want her to end up like that security guard do you?
I looked at Yoongi and my mom and shook my head. Jungkook started pulling me further down the front steps.
Jungkook: Im sorry it had to end like this, but she's mine and she belongs to me.

Hobi: Dont fucking touch her.
He tried to get off the floor but fell back down. I started crying because I knew I would never see my family or friends again. I would die in this evil man's grasp. But I thought to myself"do I really want to die now? I have a wonderful family, amazing friends, and the love of my life. Am I really gonna today. No, not today. I gathered all the strength I had and turned around and smacked him. I grabbed the gun out of his hand and pointed it at him.
Jungkook: Dont be stupid Y/N. Just say you love me already.

Y/N: I don't love you. I will never love you. You hurt the people I love. I hate you with every ounce in my body.
He looked at me with hurt eyes. Those eyes soon turned to anger. He came charging for me. He grabbed my throat and slammed me against the front door. He started chocking me.He was trying to grab the gun from my hands. I held onto it with all my strength. My fingers gripped around the trigger.Suddenly there was a pop. A very loud pop. I saw him fall to his knees, clenching his chest. I had shot him. His eyes were 2 times there double size. He looked at me and said
Jungkook: Your gonna regret this. You'll never have my love.

Y/N: I never wanted it.
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He fell to the ground. I dropped the gun and ran over to Hobi. I dropped to the floor where he was.
Y/N: Im so sorry. This is all my fault. If I hadn't have come here this would have never happened.

Hobi: Yah! Don't blame yourself. You didn't know this was gonna happen. I love you no matter what happens. He started crying.He pulled me closer to his chest and hugged me tightly. I cried into his shoulder. I soon heard the police sirens.

The cops came rushing into the house. They saw Jungkook, dead, on the steps. They then rushed over to us and asked if we were ok. The paramedics came in with a stretcher and picked up Hobi. A woman came over to me and told me to come to the ambulance with him because he refused to go without me. I got in the ambulance and held his hand the whole way to the hospital.

2:30 am

I never realized how early in the morning it was. I was in a side a small doctors office. Hobi had to go to the emergency room to get the bullet removed from his leg. I was sitting on the examination table looking down at the floor. I caused all of this to happen. I'm just glad he's ok and that Jungkook is dead. It's all over now. He's gone now and everything can go back to normal now.

The doctor came back and told me I could see him now. I went to his room and saw him lying on the bed asleep. I walked closer to the bed. I could tell he was tired. He stayed up almost every night making sure I was safe. I never imagined this happening to him. He said he loved me with all his heart. Did I really deserve such a wonderful man. He meant everything to me.

Hobi: Hey babe. Are you ok. Do you have any injuries.

Y/N: No, I'm fine. Are you ok. What did the doctor say.

Hobi: Yes I'm fine. He gave me some medicine and I'm on bed rest for the next two weeks. Hey come over here.

He scooted over and patted the bed next to him.

Y/N: No. You need to rest. I'll sleep in the chair.

He grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me into the bed with him. He put his head on my shoulder and put his arms around my waist. We fell asleep in each others arms.
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Two weeks later

Me and Hobi were sitting on the couch watching TV. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. He squeezed my hand tighter.

Hobi: I'm gonna go get a drink.

He went to get up but I pulled him back down.

Y/N: No. I'll get it. You stay right here. What do you want.

I stood up and started to walk to the kitchen.

Hobi: Babe, I can get it. The doctor only said two weeks.

Y/N: I'm the doctor now and I said no.

Hobi: Ohh. I like that. Your much hotter than the last doctor I had. will you give me a special treatment.

I bent down and gave him a kiss and walked to the kitchen. I fixed him some Sprite, his favorite drink. I walked back and gave it to him. He smiled at me because I remembered what his favorite was. My brother came home from the convenient store with snacks I asked him to bring us. He brought me a box of Skittles and Hobi a bag of chips. All of the others came running into the living room when they heard the snack wrappers. They all collected their snacks and sat down with us. We all sat there. We were all happy together. Everything was back to normal and I was the happiest person in the world.

The End.

A/N: Hi guys I hoped you liked this story. Please don't be afraid to comment your opinion. Thanks for all the support.❤️❤️❤️

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