Part 8

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2:30 pm
Jungkook P.O.V
I finally got her. I finally got the one I loved so much. She was in the passenger seat of my car, unconscious, but she was still beautiful. I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She was finally right where she belonged.
We reached my house after an hour or so. She was still asleep. Her poor little body couldn't handle the dose I gave her. But she'll wake up eventually. I took her inside and placed her on my bed. She looked so peaceful. Maybe she'll forget about J-hope and will finally love me after all.

5:30 pm
I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I looked around but couldn't see really well my vision was really blurry. I tried to move but my hands were handcuffed to the bed. I looked down and I was only wearing my bra and underwear. Suddenly the front door opened. And there I saw the devil himself. Jeon Jungkook. It all started to come back to me. He kidnapped me and he is now holding me hostage in his own home. I started to shake as he came closer to the bed.

Jungkook: Im back beautiful.

Y/N: d-dont...

Jungkook: Dont what sweetheart

Y/N: Don't call me that.

Jungkook: Oh you don't like your new nickname. Well I guess I'll have to find a new one for you.
He walked into the kitchen to put the groceries away that he bought. I started sobbing. I had a feeling I would never see my family, friends, or boyfriend ever again.

Hoseok P.O.V
I was on the phone with Yoongi. Y/N was gone and I had no idea where she was. I tore the whole house apart looking for her.

Hobi: Yoongi there's an emergency. Y/Ns gone and I don't know where she is.

Yoongi: Did that damn piece of shit take her.

Hobi: Yes and he left a note. Please hurry and get back here. I don't think we have much time.

Yoongi: I'll be there in 3 minutes.
I started crying because the girl I loved was in danger. And I let it happen.

Yoongi P.O.V
I hung up the phone and told the others what happened.
Yoongi: Guys we have to go now. My baby sisters in trouble. He took her. Hurry the hell up and let's go.
Everyone started running towards the car. I stopped when I saw a note on my windshield. I read it and fell to my knees, sobbing.

Good luck trying to find her now asshole. I said I'd get revenge. Do you believe me yet? I'll see you at her funeral.

My little sister is in trouble and its all my fault.

I raced home and ran inside.
6:00 pm

Hobi: Im in the kitchen.

Yoongi: Wheres the note.

Hobi: Right here.
He handed me the piece of paper and I read it out loud.
You stole what was mine, Hoseok. I'm only taking back my property. She won't miss you when I'm done with her. Hell, she won't even remember anyone elses name but MINE. Have a good life without her.

I screamed her name at the top of my lungs, hoping that would get her back. I looked around and she wasn't there. I cried even harder and so did the rest of the people I was with.I will find her. Even if it takes murder.

I was crying so hard my stomach started to hurt. I looked around the room with tear-filled eyes and my jaw hung down. He had pictures of me. And not just 3 or 4. He had a whole wall full of them. I sobbed even louder.
Jungkook: Y/N stop sweetie. Your giving me a headache. Just forget about them. Everything will be over with soon.
I continued crying louder and louder each time.
Jungkook: Y/N Im serious stop it before I do something I regret.
I ignored him
Jungkook: Ok. You asked for it.
I watched him walk over to a table next to the bed. He opened the top drawer.He rummaged through the drawer until he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a long whip with spikes on the end of it.
Jungkook: Im sorry I have to do this baby,but you left me no choice.
He walked over to the bed and uncuffed both of my wrists. I tried to run, but he pinned me down to the bed with one hand and in the other he held the whip.
Jungkook: If you try to run, your gonna make things worse than they already are.

Y/N: Please let me go. I'm sorry for everything I did. Just let go of me.I'll never do anything bad to you again.

Jungkook: Thats not how it works princess.
He moved down to my legs. He kissed each of them a few times. I jerked at his touch because I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all. Without warning he hit both of my legs with the whip. I cryed out in pain. He hit me again and again until my legs were covered in blood and wounds.
6:45 pm
I was laying there. Paralyzed with fear and pain. I'll I wanted was to run away from this. Away from him, this place, and run all the way back to the warm embrace of my boyfriend. I wanted to hug my brother and see his beautiful pale face again. I wanted to cry into my mom's shoulder. But all of that was impossible. I could hardly move.

J-hope P.O.V
Me and the rest of the guys went to the police station. I told the police officer that my girlfriend had been kidnapped 2 hours ago by a psycho.

Yoongi: Shes my little sister officer. I think I know where she is.
We were all shocked when we heard him say that.
Yoongi: Have you ever heard the name Jeon Jungkook?

Officer: Doesn't ring a bell. Why? Is he the one who kidnapped her. How old is he

Yoongi: Yes sir. He's 18. A year older than my sister. I can lead you to them. Just please hurry.

Officer: Calm down son. I'll send some S.W.A.T out with you guys. Lead them to him and they'll handle the situation.

Yoongi: Ok. Let's go

He beat me on the legs, back, and stomach. I felt like I had just been shattered into 1 billion pieces. He was in the kitchen fixing something to eat. I just layed there, half dead, half alive. I felt no emotion whatsoever. I felt as if I was being controlled like a puppet. There was one person pulling the strings and it was HIM.
7:30 pm
Yoongi P.O.V
I ran out of the police station with the S.W.A.T team following me. I told all the other guys except J-hope to go back home. I was gonna get her back no matter what.

I got more angry as I sped down the highway because I was thinking about all the shit he's done to her. J-hope was sitting in the passenger seat crying.
Suddenly I felt a tear roll down my cheek. What if she was really dead. What if he killed her. Is she still alive. All these things ran through my brain at 100 mph and I couldn't stop thinking about them.
8:15 pm
I turned off the headlights as I turned the corner his house was on. I finally found the right house. The S.W.A.T team hid their car around the corner. Me and the the team went up to the door and the battering ram busted the door down.

J-hope P.O.V
We all barged into his house and saw something horrible. It was Y/N. She was laying on the bed, with gashes all over her bodyand blood dripping all over her. I ran over to her and gently picked her up in my arms and ran out of the house.

Yoongi P.O.V
Hoseok ran outside with my sister while I walked over to the asshole who beat her half to death. I planned on killing him and doing what he did to her, but make it 10 times worse.
Jungkook: What the fuck are you doing here. Wheres she at!
I punched him in the face so hard, he fell to the floor. I stood above him with a pan I snatched off the counter. I beat him all over with the pan.

I beat him with the pan again until his face was purple. The swat team just stood at the door and let me do as I pleased. When I was done I threw the pan behind me, which hit him right in the balls. I then went over to the swat and said
Yoongi: He's all yours.

I was sitting in Hoseoks lap in the car. I couldn't feel my legs so he had to hold me. I hugged him tighter than I ever did before. He apparently grabbed the shirt I had on earlier. He had it in his hands.
J-hope: Shhh. Don't cry anymore baby. Your safe now. I promise. He will never touch you again.

Y/N: I love you Hobi. I was so scared I wouldn't get to see you guys any more.

I saw Yoongi come out of the house and come over to the car. He bent down to where in was. He held my other hand and asked
Yoongi: Are you ok Y/N. I should have never left this morning. Its all my fault.

Y/N: Yahh. It s no one's fault but his.

Yoongi: Your right Y/N. Let's go home.
He walked over to the other side of the car and got in. I rode all they way home in Hobi's lap. Yoongi held my hand the whole way home.

To be continued

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