Chapter 4

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It's been already a week since Belle is working as the new "assistant". During the week she learned, The Hunters will soon host a party for buying Blake Enterprise and that's when they will be changing the name of the company. Apparently, the party will quite be a great event because a lot of famous and renowned people will be attending the ceremony. And Belle knows this because she's sorting out the invitations herself.

"Belle don't forget, Aiden have a meeting at sharp 11 which is apparently.." Esme says while checking her watch. "In ten minutes"
Belle quickly gathers her notepad and a pen causing Esme to chuckle.
"Don't worry, honey. You'll do great."

Aiden walks ahead of Belle and he can hear her soft footsteps from behind him. He has been ignoring her for the past week. Whenever Esme mentions Belle in their conversation, he purposely changes their topic and knowing Esme, he knows she will continue bringing Belle into their every conversation. Esme already loves her a lot. Now, he knows that avoiding Belle is not very professional but somehow he can't bring himself to see her face not because she had cheated on him in the past but because of the pain he can see clearly in her soft caramel eyes whenever she looks at him. He shouldn't be bothered by this but everytime he looks in the deep brown irises, he feels an ache in his heart. Almost like an ache of guilt. But every time he dismisses the feeling, saying he don't care.

They enters the meeting room which is one floor beneath Aiden's office.
"Good afternoon, Mr Hunter", a man in a blue suit greets Aiden.

"Good afternoon gentlemen," Aiden greets them back. "This is my new assistant, Belle Gilbert." Everyone eyes fall on Belle, causing her to smile nervously.

"Let's start", Aiden announces, breaking everyone's attention on Belle. He can clearly see she's uncomfortable. Belle concentrates properly on the meeting, making notes on each and every ideas and comments but suddenly she feels someone staring at her. When she lifts her head, one of the subordinate members is staring at her legs lustfully. She shifts uncomfortably in her chair and the man notices it and sends her a smirk.

Aiden's trying hard not to snap James's head. He has been staring at Belle since the meeting have started. Sensing her uneasiness from beside him, Aiden finally snaps.

"It will be better if you concentrates in the meeting instead on Belle' legs, James."

James pales in front of everyone and mutters a low apology. Feeling shocked, Belle continues writing her notes. She's stunned because Aiden have been actually paying attention at how James have been staring at her lustfully since half an hour. A warm feeling flutters in her chest. Maybe he still cares. OR NOT, her subconscious retorts quickly. Maybe he only did that because other people in the room have seen it too and him being the boss, he had to take action to stop it. Yes that's the reason, she tells herself.

After the meeting is over, it's lunch time and everyone is dismissed. Aiden returns back in his office leaving Belle alone in the room to sort out her notes and papers. Finishing with the notes, Belle turns around to thank Aiden for earlier but he's already gone. She walks quickly towards the elevator, but only to see it closing with Aiden inside. Sighning, she decides to take the stairs. Finally in her cabin, she sees a notes left in her name.

I'm going home for a quick visit to meet Jacob. Will be back in half an hour. Don't forget to have lunch and I have left chocolate brownies on your table.

A smile spreads in Belle face and she quickly looks on her table to find the brownies. In just a week, she and Esme have grown very close. Sometimes she would bring treats for Belle, just like she did today. Maybe it's a grandma thing. Belle muses in her head.
Deciding, she wants a cold coffee, Belle takes her purse and decides to buy the drink in the office cafeteria itself.

Just as she takes a sharp left, she bumps into someone and is almost on the floor if gentle hands wouldn't have gripped her on time.

"Belle?", a voice says and Belle instantly recognize it.

"Is that really you?", Chris says brushing his fingers lightly on her cheek to confirm if she's real. Belle nods and grips his hand tightly in her own. Chris is about to hug her when Aiden's voice suddenly booms.

"What the hell is happening here?"

Never leaving Belle' hand, Chris glares coldly at Aiden. Belle feels the tension in the air and tries to wriggle her hand out of Chris' hold, but his grip is quite strong. Aiden eyes falls on their intertwined hands and chuckles in disbelief.

" Oh, now you're with him", he say, confirming it.

"Why?", Chris sneers. " Jealous much. Again?". He emphasizes on the last word more. Belle knows Chris is definitely playing with fire. Aiden's eyes turns into slits.

"What the hell are you doing here?", he growls when finally Belle snatches her hands from Chris's hold.

"I'm here for the contract", Chris snaps and adds " Beside I can still come here. I don't fucking need your permission. It's still Blake Enterprise."

Aiden raises his left eyebrow and smirks arrogantly.

"It will change into Hunter soon and as for the name, it doesn't matter because in the end, I have got the power which leaves you nothing."

Belle knows they will continue to argue if someone doesn't stop them. Clutching, Chris's bicep, she tugs at his arm.

" Stop it, please," she signs.

Chris looks at her, his eyes softening.
" Only because of you, Belle". He sighs. Aiden fists his hands into tight fists. He does not appreciate their closeness. But he can't do anything about it. Not able to see them together, Aiden approaches them slightly.

"I want the report of the meeting in half an hour on my table", he commands. Belle quickly nods, noticing the fire in his grey irises and bids Chris goodbye but he holds her arm, jerking her back.

"You freaking work for this asshole?" he demands, angrily.

"Got a problem with that?" Aiden asks, a nerve ticking in his jaw.

"After everything he did to you. I can't believe it Belle.", Chris says looking at Belle, feeling like he can explodes any second.

"Get back to work. Belle", Aiden orders angrily, fixing her with a sharp gaze.

"Meet me at five downstairs", she quickly signs at Chris before leaving the two angry men who look like they can pounce on each other like hungry beasts at any given minute.

"What's your fucking problem Hunter?", Chris growls making Aiden takes a step dangerously towards him.

"Do I need to fucking remind you that you are standing in my property right now?"

"It's not only about the company and you know it. I'm talking about Belle."

"You and her can both go to hell for all I care", Aiden almost shouts, feeling the need to punch something hard, to vent his anger.

"You're still blind to see the truth. You're nothing but a fucking coward Aiden," Chris implies and laughs harshly.
"But mark my words. When you'll learn the truth. You'll fucking regret it your whole life that you abandoned her when she needed you the most." Saying this, Chris storms out of the office.

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