Chapter 14

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Belle returns back into her office and sits down angrily. How dare he call her a tramp?, she thinks furiously. It's literally the second time he called her that. She's still taking deep breath to calm herself when she notices her mobile vibrating.

Shit! That's Mia, she mouths, wincing. There's twenty missed calls and fifty messages. Clicking the messages open, she reads them.

Babe I'm homeeeeee.

Pick up the phone, Belle.

Where are you poop face? I want to meet you!

Belle! Why the fuck you're not picking my calls?

Bitch where the hell are you?!

And so on the messages continues. Quickly, she types a message to Mia, giving her new address and promising to explain everything when they meet later.

Signing, she taps her forehead repeatedly on the table, wondering why all this things should happen to her. Mia will be so upset with her and as for Ian, he's already upset with her. Exhaling a long breath, she decides to engross herself in work related stuff.

As soon as the clock strikes five, Belle leaves the office hurriedly. She have to assemble her thoughts on exactly what to say to Mia. Reaching home, she changes into a dark leggings and an oversize grey sweater. She always like wearing sweater, especially the oversize ones because she feels very comfortable in them. And as for the leggings, she have always been a leggings person. Except when she goes to work. She's still thinking what to verbalize to Mia when she hears the bell ringing. Taking a deep breathe, she goes to open the door and is immediately jump on by her best friend. The sudden impact causes her to lose her balance and both tumble down.

Ian lets out a loud laugh as he enters inside, leaving us on the floor.

"I miss you so much, Belly Belle", Mia squeals. Belle smiles, rolling her eyes at her silly nickname. Apparently,one day out of nowhere, in her drunken state Mia thought that she's named Belle because of the word stomach. In her opinion, stomach is called belly and Belle is closed to that word. So that's why she always call her Belly Belle. Atleast it's better than the word stomach because she was hell bent on calling her stomach and had even saved her phone number as stomach.

Luckily, she had changed it before anyone saw it but little did she knew Ian had already saw it and till this day he likes to tease her.

Mia is still choking her to death when Ian says, "I'm ordering pizza. "

Finally, Mia let go and both stand up. Ian chuckles when he sees Belle rubbing her butt.

"Ohh you hurt the poor thing, Mia" he teases. Belle glares at him.

"Looks like you're not happy to see me", Mia says dramatically making Belle rolls her eyes again before pulling her for another big hug.

"I'm glad you're back", Belle signs as soon as Mia let her go. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too." Mia wraps her hands around Belle's arm and together they take a seat on the couch.

"How was your trip?", Belle asks making gesture with her hands. Mia smiles dreamily.

"England was so beautiful," she says then on spur of moment her green eyes turn serious and Belle instantly know it's her no nonsense stare.

"Forget about me," she says running her eyes on Belle's face, ready to analyze her every reaction and adds, "Tell me what's going on,why did you change your apartment Belle and I want the complete truth." Belle gulps nervously and looks at Ian.

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