Chapter 19

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Hello everyone! Hope you're all doing fine and kicking ass. ;)
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Belle gets down the taxi and quickly walks towards the Hunter's Estate. It's almost nine when she checks the time. The rain and loud thunder have not stop yet. Clutching the bag which contains the file, which apparently Cora mentioned that it was important for Aiden to sign, she walks hurriedly towards the big giant gate.

The guard looks her up and down and completely ignores her. She waves at him several times but still, he makes as if she's not standing there and waving like a fool. Puffing out a frustrated sign, she thinks about writing her words on a paper for the guard to see but suddenly realizing that she's completely drenched, she won't be able to do it. Cora had told her that she had already mentioned the guards at the Estate that she will be coming to drop Aiden's documents and even told her that Aiden will be waiting for the file because it is immensely important for him and if not delivered on time, he is going to be extremely angry. Then why the guard is behaving as if he don't know anything?!

A loud thunder roar and she shivers involuntarily. She's completely drenched to the skin but thankfully the file is sake in the bag. She tries signaling at the guard again but he just dismisses her with a sharp regard. She wants to scream so loudly at him but she can't. It's freaking freezing outside and he is just being inconsiderate. She wonders if Aiden is already at home yet. Cora did mentioned that he won't be home soon and she should wait for him. 

Sighing, she walks towards the gate again and waves at the guard again. He frowns heavily and opening his umbrella, he shields himself against the big fat raindrops and marches angrily in Belle's direction.

"What do you want?!", he barks. "This is not a time to beg. Get out of here!"

What the hell?! Do I look like a beggar?!, she thinks angrily. 

Belle tries to signals that she can't speak and she have to meet Aiden. 

"Oh so you're dumb suddenly", he laughs evilly. "Boss is not at home. Now get your ass out of here!"

Feeling literally hot smoke coming out of her ears, she watches the guard returns back at his place.

What an inconsiderate person!

Not having much of a choice, she decides to wait for Aiden outside. The guard did mentioned that he's not home yet. But what if he's lying? Well she just have to wait and see. She decides to wait for thirty minutes and if Aiden still doesn't turn up, she will leave. 

It's already been fifteen minutes since she's waiting. She's already starting to feel really weak due to the cold. It's really raining heavily and the raindrops are so intense that it hurts her skin. Her head feels so heavy and she's already shivering. Suddenly two flashlights hit her on her face and she cringes because of the light. She takes two small steps back and watches as an Audi rolls by her side.

"What are you doing here?", Aiden demands, quite shock to see her standing in the rain outside his house.

Belle sighs in relief which does not go unnotice by Aiden and waves the small bag which have the file in it. Suddenly she sneezes and the file falls from her hands. She picks it up quickly and mouths a quick apology.

"Get in", Aiden says suddenly.

She looks at him blankly for a few seconds. 

"Get in Belle!", he says angrily and opens the door for her. 

She looks down at her clothes then looks back at the car's interior. She can't ruin such beauty.

"It doesn't matter Belle", Aiden says as if reading her mind. "Now get in."

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