Chapter 15

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Heyyyy everyoneeee it's me againnnnn with another chapter. ❤️❤️❤️❤️👅👅👅

Happy new year! A little late! But still 🎆🥀
I wish all of you happiness and I hope you have an amazing year. ❤️

Also I have started another story "Her Happy Ending"

I really hope you guys check it out and vote on it. It will mean a lot to me. ❤️

I'm trying to insert a gif here to say hello but I can't 😭

I hope everyone is ok and having a great day or good night 🐒

Please vote and comment if you like this chapter. It means a lot à moi. 😪❤️

Really hope you enjoy like this chapter. 🤓

Enjoy mes bébés. 🙈

The next day after visiting the therapist with Belle, Ian comes to pick Mia. Afterwards, she decides to walk to her office. On the way, she keeps replaying her conversation with the therapist. She has said that if she is consistent with her treatment, there is a high possibility her voice might return. Hearing this, Belle's hopes for her voice increased. Even Mia was ecstatic upon hearing that she was improving with her treatment. Enabling a small smile on her lips, she keeps walking with the gentle wind teasing her light brown hair.

Just as she reaches near Hunter Enterprise, she sees Chris getting out of his BMW. Smiling, she waves and approaches him.

"Hey Belle", Christ grins as he envelops her in a light hug.

"What are you doing here?" She signs, looking around.

"I have to meet Hunter," he says, his face taking a far away expression. "Just a few paperwork left for Black Enterprise to convert completely into one of Hunter's." Belle looks at him wistfully.

"Don't be sad." Christ drapes an arm around her shoulder and guides both of them inside the building.

"Let's talk about you", he says. "How are you? Is everything okay?" Belle nods, grasping the cue that maybe he wants to change the subject. They get into the elevator which is at the disposal for everyone utility and as Belle turns she sees Aiden outside staring at her. She lets out a small breathe when finally the elevator door sticks together hence detaching her from his drilling gaze.

"So are you coming at the party?", Christ inquires after a while. Belle shrugs. She's still not sure if she wants to go. Aiden unequivocally will not want her there.

"Obviously, you have to go", he answers his question himself. "You work here."

Reaching at the top floor, they are about to part ways when Christ asks, "Belle will you let me know if you are going at the party?"

She gives him a nod, assuring him that she will definitely inform him. Moving in her office, she sees that Esme is already here and appears engross in her work.

"Good morning Belle", Esme greets instantly as soon as her eyes falls on the woman before her. Belle gives her a bright smile.

"Judging by your smile, I take it your trip to the therapist went great." Belle nods, giving her another smile. She explains Esme how the doctor has given her assurance that her voice can return if she's steady and regular with her treatment.

"I'm so happy to hear this, Belle", Esme says as she gets up to hug her. "I really hope your beautiful voice return back." She even plants a kiss her left cheek. Belle nods slightly again, hoping the same thing, herself.

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