Chapter 6

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And also SIA is the best singer ever.❤️

And I feel her song goes well with this chapter. Listen to it as you read. Check it above. 🌠

Enjoy. 🤓

"Her feelings she hides.
Her dreams she can't find.
She's losing her mind.
She's fallen behind.
She can't find her place.
She's losing her faith.
She's fallen from grace.
She's all over the place."

Belle knocks on Aiden's office door before opening it. She can sees he's still angry about Chris's visit. Approaching his table, she places the file on his table breaking Aiden from his reverie.

"Don't you know how to knock before entering?", Aiden snaps angrily.

"I did knock but you didn't hear it", Belle defends, signing and she signals towards the file on his desk.

Aiden flips the file open and without even going through it completely, he shuts it harshly and hurls it on Belle's face, making the papers scramble everywhere.

Completely surprise by his action, Belle stares at him before looking at the scattered paper everywhere. She couldn't have lunch because she was preparing this file and now all her hard works are lying at her feet.

"I didn't knew along with mute you are deaf as well", Aiden barks furiously. Hurt by his words, Belle takes a few steps behind.

"During the meeting, Mr Thomas, one of the ex employee of Blake's had mentioned the financial status of the company for last year!", Aiden states. "I don't see it anywhere in the report, Miss Gilbert!"

"Are you really that competent as you think you are?"

Already feeling tears gathering in her eyes, Belle bends down to gather the papers. Aiden's words are quite a low blow for her but she's determines not to him that she's weak. The information about the company's financial situation is already in the file, but without reading it entirely, Aiden flung it on her. She can't even defend herself verbally and that's make her want to cry out loud. She knows Aiden is still angry because of earlier and maybe that's why he's behaving like that.

"I wonder why you couldn't get a job elsewhere now.", Aiden adds, feeling more bitter than ever at the sight of her picking the papers silently.

"Because you're incapable of doing anything. You're just worthless."

That's what finally makes Belle breaks down completely. Her head is still bend and she's trying her best to stop the traitors tears but they won't stop. They just keep flowing on and on like a broken dam. Her chest constricts painfully as she continues gathering the paper.

No, I'm not worthless. I'm not worthless, she chants these words like a mantra over and over again. This can't happen again, she thinks. Her lower lip tremble violently as she struggles to control her breathing.

Aiden knows he went too far when he sees Belle's shoulders shaking. Cursing himself inwardly, he quickly gets up and kneels to help her pick the papers. He notices how her hands are trembling and instantly feels ashamed of what he did and said.

"Belle I'm....", he starts saying but before he can even finish Belle gets up and practically runs away with the
disheveled file. Aiden knows he went too far this time. Running his hand through his hair, he sits down thinking of how he have hurt her and punches the table angrily.

Closing the door behind her impetuously, Belle rushes at her table causing a startle Esme to approach her in concern.

"Why are you crying, Belle? What happen?", she asks in worry all the while rubbing her back gently. Shaking her head, Belle grabs her bag to leave.

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