Chapter 12

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Hellooooo everyone!!!!! Hope you're all fine. 🌼🌄
I know I'm super late againnn 😭
I'll try to update soon again. 😭❤️

For now please enjoy this little update ❤️

Please vote, comment and share if you loved it 🕊️

Enjoy mes bébés 🤓❤️

Aiden phone rings while he's preparing chicken soup for Belle. He knows how to cook since he was fifteen and is indeed a great cook. Even when Belle and him were a couple, he used to cook her favorite food and chicken soup was her favorite.

He puts the phone near his ear supporting it with his shoulder while chopping vegetables and stirring the soup in the same time.

"How could you do this to me, Aiden?", Cora piercing voice makes Aiden wince. There goes again, he thinks. Another drama.

"How could you leave me while, I'm bleeding to death and stay with that dumb idiot?", she snaps.

Controlling his anger, he cuts the call and throws his phone on the table.
Finishing with the soup, he goes to check on Belle, to find her struggling to sit on the bed. Looks like, the medication is still working it's wonders on her, by making her feel sluggish.

"Wait!", Aiden says rushing to her side quickly because she's on the edge of the bed, ready to take a fall.

Feelings sleepy and tired, Belle squint her eyes, trying to focus her gaze on Aiden.

He helps her lean back by putting her cushions behind her.

"I'll bring your food here, okay", he says and leaves.

Belle rubs her forehead again and again and slowly closes her eyes again.

After a while, Aiden returns with the soup he made only to find Belle sleeping again. He looks at her for a while, pondering whether to wake her up or not. She needs to eat. Deciding to not disturb her, he places the tray of food on a nearby table and going near her, he adjusts the cover over her. Look like, she's really sleeping peacefully, he thinks to himself.

Going into his home office, he sits in his leather seat and leans his head back. He can still see Belle's terrified face when he closes his eyes. One thing he's completely sure now, that in that accident, Belle also was injured badly. Then why he was told a lie?, he thinks.

He still remembers when the accident had taken place, he was at home and had received a phone call from the hospital. He was shocked at first and was already on his way to the hospital but then his mother had called him and said Chad was with Belle. This had angered him to the point that he returned back at his condo. But then a day later, he received news that Chad had passed away and Belle was still at the hospital. His anger and hurt didn't let him meet Belle till Chad's funeral.

At the funeral, he heard how Chad saved Belle's life and if it wasn't for him, she would have been dead. He still remembers that day clearly in his mind. He did went at the funeral but seeing Belle crying made him returned back. He did not attend his best friend's funeral. No one had even noticed him anyway because as soon as he stepped inside, with one glance inside the room, he left. Seeing Belle like that crying for his best friend , made him remembered her betrayal with Chad and he just couldn't stay there. He was so angry. At Belle. At Chad. At himself.

But after a few days, he did meet Belle. She was sitting at the park alone. The weather that day wasn't that good. So without thinking, he got down his car and went to meet her.


"You do realize that Chad's not coming back", he says. "So sitting here like this is futile."

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