Chapter 11

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Hey everyone. I hope you all are fine!!! 🌼

And I'm so happy. My book have finally hit 1k views. Thanks to all of you. I love you all so much. 😭😭😭

Sorry for the late update. I have been super busy with work. 😭😴

I have been wanting to update this chapter since Easter Day but couldn't because it was not completed and I couldn't complete it because I was working and everytime I would return home, I would be super tired. 🤦🏻

So Happy Easter even if it's too late to say it and hope you people enjoy your day with lots  of chocolates. 🐇❤️

Please vote and comment if you like this chapter 🌝

Enjoy my babies 🤓

"Of all the things in life,
  you don't get to choose what your
   nightmares are. You don't pick
          them; they pick you."
                  - John Irving

The nightmares are back. Belle have tossed and turned the previous night. She couldn't sleep because as soon as she closes her eyes, her nightmares appeared more vivid and it still scares the hell out of her.

She badly wants to tell someone but she knows if she tells Mia about it, she will persist in sending her to another therapist which she does not want. Money is still tight at the moment.

Taking a dark and red pen, she let her hand scrawls on a white page. She's already at the office and is having a headache because of the previous night. Esme will not come today so she'll be alone for the rest of the day. And when she's alone, that's when all her dark thoughts hits her hard.

The therapist had once told her to take care of her thoughts even when she's alone. But seems like it's easier said than done. She continues to draw on the paper without realizing that Aiden have been staring at her for the past ten minutes.

Aiden stares at Belle while she looks aimlessly at the paper. It's like she's letting her hands draw anything without controlling it. Crossing his hands at his chest, he continues looking at her. She looks tired and dark circles is becoming more apparent under her brown eyes. Even her eyes looks sullen. Her once plump cheeks is gone. He still remembers how he used to love to bite her cheeks just to annoy her. Realizing he have been staring at her for too long, he calls out her name loudly.

Belle jumps in fright when she hears her name called out by Aiden. She have been so engrossed in her drawing that she didn't even realized his presence.

"I have been calling your name for the past five minutes, Miss Gilbert," Aiden says approaching her table. He wants to see what she was making in the paper so intensely.

Belle quickly turns the leaf of paper over the other side making sure Aiden doesn't see it.

"I don't pay you for sitting and drawing here, Miss Gilbert", he snaps at the sight of the upside paper. Belle nods quickly.

Aiden checks his watch.

"We have a meeting in less than ten minutes and I don't want to be late because of you. So hurry up, go and take the necessary files on the table from my office."

Belle quickly takes her notepad and leaves the room, letting Aiden behind. Once Belle is gone, Aiden takes the paper. He scrutinizes the picture closely and his eyes remain stuck on the page for a long five minutes. Taking the paper with him, he leaves for his meeting.

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