. seven .

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"What?!", Izaya shocked and quite protest to Shizuo statement.

"I told you that you will stay here from now on"


"I'm going home", Izaya dashed toward the door. But Shizuo hand was faster than Izaya movement. He grabbed Izaya elbow.

"I want you to sta-"

"Whatever you are going to say, my answer will be the same. I'm going back home!"

"I'm not gonna let you to", Shizuo looked into Izaya eyes.

"Just let me go!" Izaya struggle to pull his hand from Shizuo's grip. Of course he couldn't.

"Let me go!" his voice starting to break. 

Shaking. Then, a form of tears falls to his cheeks. He just having a hard time to handle his mixed emotion. He just lost his way. Izaya didn't want Shizuo's pity. He afraid that it will give him fake hope. Moreover he had done many guilty things to Shizuo. So, he assume that Shizuo must hate him now. 

Seeing the tears that flows to Izaya cheeks, Shizuo immediately pulled him to his embrace. Patting Izaya head. He suddenly feeling guilty toward his action. 

"I'm sorry", Shizuo whisper his word of sorry few times. Izaya was still crying. He cried his heart out, remembering all of the bad things that he ever done. And the most feared thing to him.


He never wanted to be alone anymore. 

Izaya hugged Shizuo back but still crying. He leaned more to Shizuo chest, hiding his face. His cold and sweaty hand clutched Shizuo clothes tightly. He didn't want to let go of this warmth. As if it will disappear forever if he let it go. They stay like that for a moment until Izaya had stopped crying.

"I'm sorry", Shizuo said again. Izaya then pulled off from Shizuo embrace, making Shizuo panicked a bit. Izaya wiped off the tears left. Shizuo just looked at him carefully. Afraid of what Izaya reaction will be. Izaya just stare at the floor, his face didn't wear any emotion. Just stare aimlessly.

But then, he wrapped his arm around Shizuo's body back. He hugged him tightly, doesn't want to let Shizuo go. Shizuo paused, a little bit shock but a line of gentle smile form at his face next.

"Let me stay like this for a while", Izaya slow voice vaguely hear by Shizuo. But he returned back the embrace. Pulled Izaya head to his shoulder, stroking his soft black hair.

From the moment when he didn't see Izaya for a few weeks back then, he knows that Izaya had a problem. 

Well, he admitted that Izaya was annoying before but he also felt weird when Izaya didn't screwed up his day for a long time. He worried if something bad happened to him. But he denied that feeling, saying that he actually hate Izaya. However, when he brought Izaya to the bus stop at that night and had seen Izaya's scream and crying over his nightmare, he had confirmed that he actually really care for the raven.

Shizuo break off their embrace and cupped Izaya face with his two hands. He bring the innocent face to face with him. He stares at Izaya swollen eyes. Wiping the remain tears.


"Please stay here"

"With me", Shizuo  looked deep in Izaya red eyes. Izaya stares back. 

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