✧ past memories ✧

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[ Chapter 10: past memories ]

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[ Chapter 10: past memories ]

yes! i love this song!

[ Word Count: 743 ]

[ Warnings: cursing ]

[ AUTHORS NOTE: it'll be genesis POV with the group in the car and then bree's POV in the other car with the other part of the group, but it'll be the same time period if that makes since! ]

[ song of the chapter:
falling : electronic ]


i'm currently sitting in the back seat. valerie is slightly hugging me and comforting me as i slightly begin to cry. "so, who is in the hospital that you know?" she whispered to me. "m-my s-sister..." i replied to her. "oh, i'm so sorry..." she then said. "it's not your fault." i said shortly then saying "and valerie...thank you."

"no problem." she said and smiled at me. "you ok?" emily told me. "yeah...kinda." i replied to her. "remember genesis, everyone is here for each other." emily says and i smiled at her kind words. "very true." maya said. "are we almost there?" i asked.

"10-13 more minutes." maya replied. "thank you everyone." i told everyone. "no problem." everyone said followed up with "we love you." i smiled and looked out to the window thinking how did i meet so many amazing people?

since jennie, alex, marley and i were in the same car. it was very quite until jennie said, "so, how did you and marley end up dating?" she asked looking at alex and marley at the back. i quietly laughed and jennie hit my shoulder playfully.. "oh, that's a long story." marley says and signed glaring at jennie. "a long story that i will gladly tell." alex then said. "oh god.." i whispered. "great! okay, tell the story." jennie said.

"so, marley was living in australia and then she moved to America. well, there was this school were you can learn to be a Youtuber and bree, emily, valerie, and a bunch of our other friends who we've not seen in a while attended to. one day we all went to disney land and a big situation happened so we decided to come back to bree, emily, and valerie's dorm. we all slept there like a mini sleepover and then the next morning i heard someone knocking at the door. i opened it and there a beautiful girl was standing, marley. she was going to be roommates with bree, emily, and valerie. we all got to be friends went out to breakfast, beach, other places. and we began to like each other so we decided to start dating. we dated for a kinda long while. (warning mental illness)

but then my anxiety and depression started to take over me and the little things i would do. i couldn't handle it. i just wanted to be back at my home town with my family. so, at the worst time i packed my bags, told the head of youtube high that i was leaving, bought a plane ticket and went back to england. when i was in the plane i quickly texted marley a long paragraph how i was so sorry and i couldn't take it anymore. i also quickly texted the rest and then shut down my phone. and then i didn't see anyone in a while. until four years later i finally decided to contact marley and blah blah." alex explained the whole story clearly. "wow..." jennie said shocked.

"why didn't you tell me about your mental illness. i could've helped you." marley said looking down. all of a sudden alex hugs marley and says "i'm truly sorry. i just felt trapped." "i'm sorry i've been a jerk to you and it's okay alex! i-i missed you...even though we don't have to get back together i want to stay friends." marley told him while tightly hugging him. you can tell they both enjoyed their hug, wanting it to last forever.

"of course."alex replied and they both stopped hugging. jennie smiled at me and then said, "we're almost there." "alrighty." alex and marley said at the same time. we laughed and then jennie put music on. "YES! I LOVE THIS SONG!" marley yells as 24K magic plays.

we all sing along to the lyrics. while singing i noticed alex search up the lyrics to the song. i smiled and then continued to sing. he joined in singing with all of us and this was just too fun. i didn't want this to end.


bree's bonker thoughts!

will marley and alex get back together?
will the old gang get back together?
well, i know, but still!

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