Bold: Ash-GreninjaGirl
Normal: Charkid467
We're going to be starting off this book by talking about one of the worst rivals to ever appear in either the games or the anime: Trevor. I'm sure almost all of you know who Trevor is, but for those of you that may have forgotten (because he is a pretty forgettable character), Trevor was the guy with the Mega Charizard Y and an obsession with taking photos. Well, at least he was in the anime, which is the version we're going to be focusing on today.
Honestly, Trevor was probably one of the biggest wastes of screen time the Pokemon writers have ever created. He added absolutely nothing to the storyline and was really only there because they wanted to showcasel him, Tierno, and Shauna from the X and Y games. But what really annoyed me is the fact that he was the one to get a Mega Charizard Y. I mean, just...HOW? The anime talked all about how mega evolution requires an extremely close bond between trainer and Pokemon, but from what I saw there was nothing that signified a stronger bond between Trevor and his Charizard than any other normal trainer-Pokemon relationship. Ash is way more deserving of that mega stone than Trevor. Yeah, I get that the writers couldn't really give Ash a Mega Charizard and Ash-Greninja, but couldn't they have found another way to showcase both Mega Charizard versions?
Tbh they only reason they gave Trevor Charizard Y was to promote it, but of all trainers why Trevor..... Like, you could've at least promoted it with a good trainer, or make an actual good character with its own backstory and is an actual good trainer( *cough* Elisha *cough*)
Pokemon Rants
RandomAs the title may suggest, this is a book where Char and I will be ranting about the Pokemon games, anime, our top ten favorite things about Pokemon, and our top ten least favorite things about Pokemon, among other things.