Chapter 10: Wined and Dined

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"What about this?" Troy asked as he showed me a dress

"Too colorful," I said

"This" Jaya said as held up a pair a matching two-piece pants suit

"Too gothic," I said

"Z, we've been here for 3 hours. Please pick something!" Troy whined

"I need something subtle. I'm not tryna kill the man" I said rummaging through the clothing racks. After searching about three more stores, I found the perfect outfit.

"Still can't believe you're going out with a fucking Prince," Troy said.

"As friends" I corrected

"Is he what I smelled a couple some nights ago. He was wearing Giorgio Armani Rose d'arabie cologne"

I looked at Troy like he was bat-shit crazy.

"What?... I know my scents" He said.


I looked at myself in the mirror. Not bad...Not bad at all. I was wearing a burgundy cocktail mini dress. My phone began to ring and it was my mom. I exhaled deeply and answered it.

"Hello," she said

"Hi mom," I said

"Hello, my daughter"

I closed my eyes for a moment because I promised myself I would check on her more.

"How are you?" she asked

"Fine. I was just getting ready to go out"

"That's good...I wanted to give you time to understand this situation"

"I know..."

"I'm sorry if I made you feel some way. I just don't want you to worry"

My mother is born in Guinea. She came here with her mother and younger sister because of the Guinea-Bissau War of Independence which killed a lot of people including her own father.

My father was born in Virginia but I don't know where the fuck he was and I don't really care.

The fact that my mother raised two children by herself and never complained made me feel even more sorry for her. I wanted to give my mother the world but unfortunately, the world is very pricey.

"I know" I smiled

"I just want you to be happy with your friends and enjoy life... you're my only baby left"

A cold shiver ran down my spine. "Stop" I whispered trying to hold in my tears. It's been two years since my older brother passed. I still couldn't bring myself to talk about it was too painful.

"Ok you're not ready to talk about it, that's fine. I completely understand. Just don't worry about me and have fun. I love you"

I inhaled then exhaled "I always worry about you"

I heard my mother let out a sigh "Don't I'm ok. I'm I actually start moving in tomorrow. Ok be safe, Call me whenever you want to talk"

"I will, bye," I said then hung up. I sat on my bed. There was a knock at my door "Zara, your knight in shining armor is here" Jaya called then giggled

I dabbed my face to freshen my makeup. I glanced at myself in the mirror then grabbed my purse and left my room.

"So I heard through the grapevine that Duke of Albany is single. Do you think you could hook me up?" Troy asked Alexander.

"I'm ready," I said as I glared at Troy, who got the message and went to the kitchen. I looked at the doorway and saw Jaya trying to take a selfie with the Prince's bodyguard. I can not take them anywhere.

"You look gorgeous," he said

"Thank you"

"Shall we?" He said as he extended his elbow.

"Yes," I said as I took it

"You guys have fun now ya hear!" Troy mocked in a country accent.

He opened the car door and I got in

"So where are we going?" I asked


"Oh wow"

"You heard of it?" he asked

"Yeah, I tried to get a job there but they never called me back"

"Well now you'll be dining there, funny how the universe works"

"Yes, hilarious," I said sarcastically

We arrived at Asiate, I almost cried at how marvelous it was. Everything was compelling from the alluring atmosphere to the sublime look at the city below to the soft sounds of the violinist.

"Good evening, Your royal highness and madam. On behalf of Asiate, we would just like to thank you both for dining with us this evening" the owner said "Alyssa will be your waitress tonight"

Alyssa seated us in a private booth. She was very nervous. Her hands were trembling and she was sweating. I remember being in that place.

"Goodmorning-um-evening I'm Alyssa. I'll give you some time to look at your menus" she said shakily

"Is that an Alex and Ani bracelet?" I asked

"Yeah. I just got it yesterday" she said as rotating her wrist showing me the charm bracelet

"Wow, Its really pretty. I have some too. I almost spent my whole paycheck on that website" I giggled

"Me too, especially when they have sales" She chuckled "well, just call when you're ready to order"

Prince Alexander had a smirk plastered across his face

"What?" I sneered

"Nothing you're just very...very different"

"Is that good?"

"Yes its good. We all need different in our lives," he said as he smirked again.

"Ok then I'll take that as a compliment."

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