Chapter 34 - New Year, New Quinn

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 After the tumultuous Christmas I had I was looking forward to starting the year over again. I needed to start things off on the right foot. I had been distant with my family since finding out Frannie was pregnant. I was happy for her but the way my mom reacted to hearing the news hurt me. We definitely weren't anywhere near as close as we had been because of it. I had been spending most of my time with Sam and his family throughout the holidays. The Evans' were more than happy to have me. Sam's little sister, Stacey took an especial liking to me.

"You're so pretty," Stacey told me one day when we were playing beauty parlor. "Thank you Stacey," I smiled a bit as she worked on my hair. "I hope to be just like you when I'm older," she told me proudly. I couldn't help but smile at her. "All done," she grinned as I looked in the mirror to see I had a braid in my hair. "It's looks great thank you Miss Stacey," I smiled as I gave her a tip. "The pleasure is all mine," Stacey grinned as Sam walked in smiling at us. "Okay Stace can I have my girlfriend back," Sam chuckled a bit. "If you must," Stacey frowned "We were having such a great time." "I'll come back to your salon again soon okay?" I told her seriously. "Okay," Stacey frowned as she then proceeded to play with her Barbies as I left with Sam.

"You're really good with her," Sam smiled. "It comes from a lot of practice," I smiled a bit "I always enjoyed babysitting." "I can see that," Sam said as we sat in his room. He sighed a bit. "I'm sorry things have been so bad with your family," he said as I shrugged. "I wouldn't expect anything less," I said honestly. "On the bright side. At least I got to spend the holidays with you," I smiled a bit. "That definitely is a bright side," Sam smiled as we began to kiss.

Things between Sam and I had been great since we became official. He hadn't tried to push me into doing anything I didn't want to. He was always there to listen to me about whatever was bothering me especially when it came to Beth. On top of that I had really grown to love his family who treated me like I was a member of the family already. It felt nice to be in what felt like a real family. I often wondered if this was the life I had to look forward to one day if Sam and I stayed together. If it was, I was looking forward to every second of it.

As much as I didn't want to, I was still nervous every time things were starting to head a little too far. I loved Sam but after the year I went through last year, I wanted to take every precaution to ensure I wouldn't be pregnant again. "Stop stop," I murmured as Sam kissed my neck. "I'm sorry," he sighed backing off of me. "There's no need to be sorry," I told him seriously as I sat up. "I made a promise to you that I wouldn't try anything you wouldn't want to," he sighed. "And you've been good to that promise," I told him seriously "Look, it's not that I don't want to be with you...I do...but after last year," I sighed shaking my head. "I understand," Sam told me seriously as he wrapped his arms around me. "Just so you know I would be there for you no matter what happened, okay?" he said as I nodded tearfully. It felt good to have a boyfriend I could truly count on for once. "Thanks," I whispered as he kissed my forehead before leaving his room.

I left the Evans' house that night after having dinner with them just hoping that I would be left alone when I got home. Most of the time that was the case. My mom would just ask how I was and I would give a vague answer and that would be the end of things. Today however was different. "Quinnie, you've got mail," my mom said as she handed me a letter. My eyes grew wide when I saw who it was from. Shelby. "Thanks," I whispered as I rushed up the stairs to read the letter.


How you got my address I have no idea. We do have a closed adoption that's true but if you want to see Beth I see nothing wrong with that. Your drawing was very cute. Beth seemed to like it. Beth is doing great she's right where she should be for her age and is growing up very well. She's sitting up on her own now which is a huge achievement at her age so the good news is she no longer needs to be burped whenever she takes her bottle. Enclosed in this envelope I sent you a photo of her. I hope that will get you through the days until you get to New York. I hope you have a Merry Christmas yourself and a Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing you soon.

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