Chapter 57 - I'm Still Standing

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Author's Note: Hey guys this update is a combination of 'Big Brother' as well as the beginning 'Dance With Somebody'. I decided to disregard 'Saturday Night Glee-ver' after rewatching the episode. Quinn doesn't have a storyline in the episode so I decided against having it in the update.  I hope you enjoy this update :)

After a week of rest as prescribed by my doctor I was ready to head back to school. My mom brought me up to school early so I would have all the accommodations I needed. I got an elevator pass as well as an extra ten minutes to get to class due to my circumstance. "You sure you're ready to go back to school?" my mom asked me nervously. "Positive," I smiled a bit as I wheeled myself into the school.

"Quinn Fabray, it's good to have you back," Artie smiled as he wheeled himself next to me. "You too Artie," I smiled a bit as I continued to wheel myself over to Rachel's locker. Rachel still felt incredibly guilty about what had happened with me. I knew I had to talk to her before school started. I smiled as I approached Rachel. "Hi, Quinn! We missed you so much," Rachel smiled big. "No, don't. I could have easily become one of those creepy memorial pages in the yearbook, but by the grace of God, I'm here," I said seriously. "Okay...I just feel so..." "Don't," I told her seriously "I made the mistake of texting while driving. I'm grateful to be alive. Sure this is going to slow me down for a few months but I know I'm going to be back on my feet in no time." Rachel seemed to accept that as I turned to Artie. "Come on, Artie. I'll race you to the choir room," I grinned as I giggled making my way to the choir room with Artie.

I entered the choir room to see a sign that said "Welcome Back Quinn". " feels so good to be welcomed back," I smiled a bit. "Well we're glad to have have you here Quinn," Mr. Schue told me seriously as Shelby nodded. "If you two don't mind...Artie and I have prepared a number for the occasion," I smiled a bit. "Not at all," Mr. Schue smiled as he and Shelby took their seats as Artie and I began to perform the Elton John hit 'I'm Still Standing'.

"You could never know what it's like your blood like a winter freezes just like ice and there's a cold lonely light that shines from you. You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use," I sang as Artie then took the lead. "Better than I ever did. Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid," I harmonized with Artie as he took the lead once again. "After all this time. Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind. I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah. I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah," I harmonized with Artie. "Once I never could hope to win. You starting down the road leaving me again," I sang as Artie then took the lead. Artie and I sang the chorus yet again. "Yeah, yeah yeah," I sang. "I'm still standing," Artie and I harmonized as we finished the song ending it with our wheelchairs back to back. The New Directions clapped for us as we finished the song.

"Here's a lesson for your board, Mr. Schue. Don't text and drive. Ever. It's the stupidest thing I've ever done," I said as everyone seemed to be in agreement with me "There's a lot of rumors floating around, so let's clear the air. First of all, all my plumbing still works, which is awesome. But my spine was severely compressed in the car accident, which basically means I can't move my feet or legs. But the good thing is that I'm starting to regain feeling, so with a lot of physical therapy, and your prayers, I stand a good chance for a full recovery," I smiled a bit "So no tears. That means you, Tina." Tina sniffled a bit. "Oh, and I apologize for the number. My dance moves aren't as smooth as Artie's yet," I giggled. "With practice, they will be," Artie smiled. "I promise that by the time we go to Nationals, I'll be out of this chair, and dancing on that stage," I said as everyone cheered for me. They all got up and hugged me.

It felt good to be back. I was extremely determined to have exactly what I had said come true. I knew it was going to take a lot of work but I was willing to put in the effort. I had physical therapy everyday after school which Puck had been going with me to. It was starting off slow but the doctor said that's the way all accident victims begin. I was starting to regain feeling in my legs which the doctor said is a very good sign for things to come. I knew I had to be patient but eventually I would get back to being on my feet again.

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